- Arno, P. S. (1986). The nonprofit sector's response to the AIDS epidemic: Community-based services in San Francisco. Am. J. Public Health 1986, 76, 1325-1330.
- Asian Development Bank. (2008). Cooperation with NGOs and Civil Society. Accessed on 21-March 2011. ngo/startngo-1.html
- Beamon, B.M.; Balcik, B. (2008). Performance measurement in humanitarian relief chains. Int. J. Public Sect. Manag. 2008, 21, 4-25.
- Bidet & Eric. (2002). 'Explaining the Third Sector in South Korea', Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 13(2), June 2002, International Society for Third-Sector Research and The Johns Hopkins University.
- Chaudry & Kamal. (1996). Introduction to statistical theory. 6th edition published by Ilmi Katab Khana.
- Dale, S. (2001). How Thailand took on the Transnational Tobacco Titans, IDRC.
- Dodgson, R. Lee, K. Drager N. (2002). Global Health Governance: A conceptual example of tobacco control in South Africa, Mimeo, IDRC Seminar, 13 June 2001, Cape Town, South Africa GAVI.2004.Financingtaskforce:Bridgingthefun dinggap:towardasolution.GAVIBOardmeeting.[ ]. ory/resources/13th_brd_Bridge_Funding_B oard_presentation_DRAFT_july_5th.ppt
- Gostelow, L. (1999). The Sphere Project: The implications of making humanitarian.
- Imran, N., Zeshan, M., Pervaiz, Z. (2020). Mental health considerations for children & adolescents in COVID-19 Pandemic. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(COVID19- S4), S67-S72.
- Jabeen, S. (2010). Role of NGOs in Development, Posted on: 26/02/2010, Location: Lahore Accessed on 24-March 2011. http://www.Ilmkidunya.Com/Article/Role_Of _Ngos.Asp
- Liebowitz, J. (2006). The Impact of Faith-Based Organizations on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Mitigation in Africa; University of Natal, Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division: Durban, South Africa, 2006. Available online: (accessed on 10 January 2015).
- Mamun, M. A., Griffiths, M. D. (2020). First COVID- 19 suicide case in Bangladesh due to fear of COVID-19 and xenophobia: Possible suicide prevention strategies. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, e102073.
- Martens & Kerstin. (2002). 'Mission Impossible? Defining Non-governmental Organizations, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. International Society for Third-Sector Research and the Johns Hopkins University. 13(3).
- Maserat, E., Jafari, F., Mohammadzadeh, Z. et al. (2020). COVID-19 & an NGO and university developed interactive portal: a perspective from Iran. Health Technol. 10, 1421-1426 (2020). 020-00470-1
- Mindell, J. (2002). Lessons from tobacco control for advocates of healthy transport, Journal of Public Health Medicine 23:2:91-7.
- Mitchell, S. J. (1990). Changes after taking a college nutrition course. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. July 1990, v90 n7 p955- 962.
- NAPPCNCD. (2004). National Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion in Pakistan, 2004.
- Park & P. Sang. (2002). NGOs, Government and Policy, Arche, Seoul.
- Perry, M. (2007). Natural disaster management planning: A study of logistics managers responding to the tsunami. Int. J. Phys. Distrib. Logist. Manag. 2007, 37, 409-433.
- Pfeiffer, J. (2003). International NGOs and primary health care in Mozambique: The need for a new model of collaboration. Soc. Sci. Med. 2003, 56, 725-738.
- Rose, G. von, H. C, Brener, L, von Hippel B. (2018). Attitudes of people working in mental health non-governmental organizations in Australia: A comparison with other mental health professionals. Health Psychol Open. 2018 Jan- Jun; 5(1):2055102918765413.
- Sekaran, U. (2003). Research methods for business: a skill-building approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Thakur, V., Jain, A. (2020). COVID 2019-suicides: A global psychological pandemic. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 88, 952- 953. 4.062
- The Daily News. (2011). A non-governmental organization has launched a five day dengue virus awareness campaign. y-News-2-69210-NGO-launches-dengue-virus- awareness-campaign
- Tibinyane, N. (1990). Gender inequality fuels spread of HIV and AIDS amongst Women. IN Sister Namibia, 14 (1): 6-8.
- Tufail, SI (2006). www.Chowrangi.Com/The-Study -Of - Ngos-In- Pakistan.Html
- UNICEF. (2010). Health workers reach out to women and children already struggling, SWATVALLEYPakistan. /infobycountry/pakistan_56235.html.
- USAID. (2002). Total population, health and nutrition funding, our_work/global_health/home/Funding/ind ex.html
- Van W. C. (2001). Effective development policies require political will: the example of tobacco control in South Africa, Mimeo, IDRC seminar, 13 June 2001, Cape Town, South Africa.
- WHO. (2000). ernal_mortality.htm.
- Arno, P. S. (1986). The nonprofit sector's response to the AIDS epidemic: Community-based services in San Francisco. Am. J. Public Health 1986, 76, 1325-1330.
- Asian Development Bank. (2008). Cooperation with NGOs and Civil Society. Accessed on 21-March 2011. ngo/startngo-1.html
- Beamon, B.M.; Balcik, B. (2008). Performance measurement in humanitarian relief chains. Int. J. Public Sect. Manag. 2008, 21, 4-25.
- Bidet & Eric. (2002). 'Explaining the Third Sector in South Korea', Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 13(2), June 2002, International Society for Third-Sector Research and The Johns Hopkins University.
- Chaudry & Kamal. (1996). Introduction to statistical theory. 6th edition published by Ilmi Katab Khana.
- Dale, S. (2001). How Thailand took on the Transnational Tobacco Titans, IDRC.
- Dodgson, R. Lee, K. Drager N. (2002). Global Health Governance: A conceptual example of tobacco control in South Africa, Mimeo, IDRC Seminar, 13 June 2001, Cape Town, South Africa GAVI.2004.Financingtaskforce:Bridgingthefun dinggap:towardasolution.GAVIBOardmeeting.[ ]. ory/resources/13th_brd_Bridge_Funding_B oard_presentation_DRAFT_july_5th.ppt
- Gostelow, L. (1999). The Sphere Project: The implications of making humanitarian.
- Imran, N., Zeshan, M., Pervaiz, Z. (2020). Mental health considerations for children & adolescents in COVID-19 Pandemic. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(COVID19- S4), S67-S72.
- Jabeen, S. (2010). Role of NGOs in Development, Posted on: 26/02/2010, Location: Lahore Accessed on 24-March 2011. http://www.Ilmkidunya.Com/Article/Role_Of _Ngos.Asp
- Liebowitz, J. (2006). The Impact of Faith-Based Organizations on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Mitigation in Africa; University of Natal, Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division: Durban, South Africa, 2006. Available online: (accessed on 10 January 2015).
- Mamun, M. A., Griffiths, M. D. (2020). First COVID- 19 suicide case in Bangladesh due to fear of COVID-19 and xenophobia: Possible suicide prevention strategies. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, e102073.
- Martens & Kerstin. (2002). 'Mission Impossible? Defining Non-governmental Organizations, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. International Society for Third-Sector Research and the Johns Hopkins University. 13(3).
- Maserat, E., Jafari, F., Mohammadzadeh, Z. et al. (2020). COVID-19 & an NGO and university developed interactive portal: a perspective from Iran. Health Technol. 10, 1421-1426 (2020). 020-00470-1
- Mindell, J. (2002). Lessons from tobacco control for advocates of healthy transport, Journal of Public Health Medicine 23:2:91-7.
- Mitchell, S. J. (1990). Changes after taking a college nutrition course. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. July 1990, v90 n7 p955- 962.
- NAPPCNCD. (2004). National Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion in Pakistan, 2004.
- Park & P. Sang. (2002). NGOs, Government and Policy, Arche, Seoul.
- Perry, M. (2007). Natural disaster management planning: A study of logistics managers responding to the tsunami. Int. J. Phys. Distrib. Logist. Manag. 2007, 37, 409-433.
- Pfeiffer, J. (2003). International NGOs and primary health care in Mozambique: The need for a new model of collaboration. Soc. Sci. Med. 2003, 56, 725-738.
- Rose, G. von, H. C, Brener, L, von Hippel B. (2018). Attitudes of people working in mental health non-governmental organizations in Australia: A comparison with other mental health professionals. Health Psychol Open. 2018 Jan- Jun; 5(1):2055102918765413.
- Sekaran, U. (2003). Research methods for business: a skill-building approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Thakur, V., Jain, A. (2020). COVID 2019-suicides: A global psychological pandemic. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 88, 952- 953. 4.062
- The Daily News. (2011). A non-governmental organization has launched a five day dengue virus awareness campaign. y-News-2-69210-NGO-launches-dengue-virus- awareness-campaign
- Tibinyane, N. (1990). Gender inequality fuels spread of HIV and AIDS amongst Women. IN Sister Namibia, 14 (1): 6-8.
- Tufail, SI (2006). www.Chowrangi.Com/The-Study -Of - Ngos-In- Pakistan.Html
- UNICEF. (2010). Health workers reach out to women and children already struggling, SWATVALLEYPakistan. /infobycountry/pakistan_56235.html.
- USAID. (2002). Total population, health and nutrition funding, our_work/global_health/home/Funding/ind ex.html
- Van W. C. (2001). Effective development policies require political will: the example of tobacco control in South Africa, Mimeo, IDRC seminar, 13 June 2001, Cape Town, South Africa.
- WHO. (2000). ernal_mortality.htm.
Cite this article
APA : Ahmad, S., Ahmad, M., & Mehmood, A. (2021). Attitude of People towards Non-Government Organizations Intervention with Reference to Health Awareness: A Post Crisis Analysis in Swat-Pakistan. Global Sociological Review, VI(I), 86-95.
CHICAGO : Ahmad, Shakeel, Mansoor Ahmad, and Asif Mehmood. 2021. "Attitude of People towards Non-Government Organizations Intervention with Reference to Health Awareness: A Post Crisis Analysis in Swat-Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, VI (I): 86-95 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2021(VI-I).12
HARVARD : AHMAD, S., AHMAD, M. & MEHMOOD, A. 2021. Attitude of People towards Non-Government Organizations Intervention with Reference to Health Awareness: A Post Crisis Analysis in Swat-Pakistan. Global Sociological Review, VI, 86-95.
MHRA : Ahmad, Shakeel, Mansoor Ahmad, and Asif Mehmood. 2021. "Attitude of People towards Non-Government Organizations Intervention with Reference to Health Awareness: A Post Crisis Analysis in Swat-Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, VI: 86-95
MLA : Ahmad, Shakeel, Mansoor Ahmad, and Asif Mehmood. "Attitude of People towards Non-Government Organizations Intervention with Reference to Health Awareness: A Post Crisis Analysis in Swat-Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, VI.I (2021): 86-95 Print.
OXFORD : Ahmad, Shakeel, Ahmad, Mansoor, and Mehmood, Asif (2021), "Attitude of People towards Non-Government Organizations Intervention with Reference to Health Awareness: A Post Crisis Analysis in Swat-Pakistan", Global Sociological Review, VI (I), 86-95
TURABIAN : Ahmad, Shakeel, Mansoor Ahmad, and Asif Mehmood. "Attitude of People towards Non-Government Organizations Intervention with Reference to Health Awareness: A Post Crisis Analysis in Swat-Pakistan." Global Sociological Review VI, no. I (2021): 86-95.