BLUE DUST AS A CONFLICT NARRATIVE      10.31703/gsr.2022(VII-II).02      Published : Jun 2022
Authored by : Ayesha Jan , Farooq Shah , Saddam Ul Islam

02 Pages : 11-17


  • Ali, A. (2012). Book review of Blue dust, by Ayesha Salman . News Line. k-review-blue-dust/
  • Ajayi, O, V. (2017, September 24). Distinguish between primary sources of data and secondary sources of data. 010397/Primary-Sources-of Data-and- Secondary-Sources-of-Data
  • Arif, S., & Zahir, A. (2015). Unmasking class stratification and psychological ailments through Mohsin Hamid's How to get filthy rich in rising Asia. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(3), 33-43.
  • Aritonang, I. R., Lasmana, S., & Kurnia, D. (2019). The analysis of skimming and scanning technique to improve students in teaching reading comprehension. PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education), 1(2), 101.
  • Chuang, Y. C. (2005). Effects of interaction pattern on family harmony and well-being: Test of interpersonal theory, Relational-models theory, and Confucian ethics. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 8(3), 272-291. 399490_Identity_and_Group_Conflict
  • Fiction: From a Pakistani poet, a debut novel . (2012). Book review of Blue dust, by Ayesha Salman. In- paper Magazine, Dawn.
  • Flick, U. (Ed.). (2013). The SAGE handbook of qualitative data analysis. London: Sage.
  • Frable, D. E. (1997). Gender, racial, ethnic, sexual, and class identities. Annual Review of Psychology, 48(1), 139-162. Michigan State University, Michigan.
  • Goyder, J. (1972). Subjective social class identification and objective socioeconomic status. (Doctoral dissertation submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, MC Master University). d/doi=10.11.838
  • Hammond, R. J., & Cheney, P. (2010). Intimate relationships and families. A book of Sociology, Utah Valley University, 7-8. Orem: Utah.
  • Hogg, M. A., Abrams, D., & Otten, S. I., Hinkle, S. (2004). The social identity perspective: Intergroup relations, self-conception, and small groups. [w:] Small Group Research, 35, 246- 274. London: Routledge.
  • Horvat, E. M., Weininger, E. B., & Lareau, A. (2003). From social ties to social capital: Class differences in the relations between schools and parent networks. American Educational Research Journal, 40(2), 319-351. America: Sage.
  • James, P. A. (1974). Industrialism and class consciousness in the novels of DH Lawrence: A study in realism. (Doctoral dissertation submitted to Durham University, United Kingdom).
  • Kivunja, C., & Kuyini, A. B. (2017). Understanding and applying research paradigms in educational contexts. International Journal of Higher Education, 6(5), 26-41.
  • Larking, M. (2017). Critical reading strategies in the advanced English classroom. APU Journal of Language Research, 2.
  • Lgwenagu, C. (2016). Fundamentals of research methodology and data collection. Nigeria: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing.
  • Mastud, S. (2017). From class consciousness to individual consciousness: The contour of inequality in Aravind Adiga's the white tiger. The International Journal English Language, Literature in Humanities (IJELLH), 5(10).
  • Mills, C., W. (n.d.). Dahrendorf conflict theory. Modern Theories of Social Stratification. (137-139). khsu/mpoile/ch 5.pdf
  • Nescollarde-Selva, J. A., Usó-Doménech, J. L., & Gash, H. (2017). What are ideological systems? Systems, 5(1), 21
  • Omulkheir, & Wafa. (2017). The role of skimming and scanning in developing reading abilities in Esp. class. (Master thesis submitted to the Department of Letters and Foreign Languages, Kasdi Merbah University, Ouargla). dspace. univ-ourgla. dz. bitstream
  • Pahl, R., & Spencer, L. (2010). Family, friends, and personal communities: Changing models-in- the-mind. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 2(3), 197-210. Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex.
  • Pillai, N., V. (2015). Data analysis and interpretation. The proceedings of the conference presented to the participants of an induction training program organized by the Institute of management in government in collaboration with DoPT, India.
  • Ray, A. (n.d.). Moving beyond the blues. Book review of Blue Dust, by Ayesha Salman. beyond-the-blues/
  • Isajiw, W. W. (1993). Definition and dimensions of ethnicity: A theoretical framework. Challenges of measuring an ethnic world: Science, politics and reality, 407-427. Canada: Ottawa.
  • Salman, A. (2012). Blue dust. New Delhi: India Ink.
  • Sandhu, H. S. (2016). Beyond the land of five rivers: Social inequality and class consciousness in the Canadian Sikh Diaspora. (Master research paper submitted to Eastern University, Finland). e=1009
  • Sarwari, A. (2012). How to be a woman in Pakistan. Book Review of Blue Dust by Ayesha Salman. The Friday Times. devices-and-terms/point-of-view
  • Swartz, D. (2012). Culture and power: The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. University of Chicago Press.
  • Snow, D. A., & Lessor, R. G. (2013). Consciousness, conscience, and social movements. [Article post]. 2/9780470674871.wbespm461
  • Zehra, B. (2012). Out of the blue . Book review of Blue dust, by Ayesha Salman. The Express Tribune. https://tri
  • Ali, A. (2012). Book review of Blue dust, by Ayesha Salman . News Line. k-review-blue-dust/
  • Ajayi, O, V. (2017, September 24). Distinguish between primary sources of data and secondary sources of data. 010397/Primary-Sources-of Data-and- Secondary-Sources-of-Data
  • Arif, S., & Zahir, A. (2015). Unmasking class stratification and psychological ailments through Mohsin Hamid's How to get filthy rich in rising Asia. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(3), 33-43.
  • Aritonang, I. R., Lasmana, S., & Kurnia, D. (2019). The analysis of skimming and scanning technique to improve students in teaching reading comprehension. PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education), 1(2), 101.
  • Chuang, Y. C. (2005). Effects of interaction pattern on family harmony and well-being: Test of interpersonal theory, Relational-models theory, and Confucian ethics. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 8(3), 272-291. 399490_Identity_and_Group_Conflict
  • Fiction: From a Pakistani poet, a debut novel . (2012). Book review of Blue dust, by Ayesha Salman. In- paper Magazine, Dawn.
  • Flick, U. (Ed.). (2013). The SAGE handbook of qualitative data analysis. London: Sage.
  • Frable, D. E. (1997). Gender, racial, ethnic, sexual, and class identities. Annual Review of Psychology, 48(1), 139-162. Michigan State University, Michigan.
  • Goyder, J. (1972). Subjective social class identification and objective socioeconomic status. (Doctoral dissertation submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, MC Master University). d/doi=10.11.838
  • Hammond, R. J., & Cheney, P. (2010). Intimate relationships and families. A book of Sociology, Utah Valley University, 7-8. Orem: Utah.
  • Hogg, M. A., Abrams, D., & Otten, S. I., Hinkle, S. (2004). The social identity perspective: Intergroup relations, self-conception, and small groups. [w:] Small Group Research, 35, 246- 274. London: Routledge.
  • Horvat, E. M., Weininger, E. B., & Lareau, A. (2003). From social ties to social capital: Class differences in the relations between schools and parent networks. American Educational Research Journal, 40(2), 319-351. America: Sage.
  • James, P. A. (1974). Industrialism and class consciousness in the novels of DH Lawrence: A study in realism. (Doctoral dissertation submitted to Durham University, United Kingdom).
  • Kivunja, C., & Kuyini, A. B. (2017). Understanding and applying research paradigms in educational contexts. International Journal of Higher Education, 6(5), 26-41.
  • Larking, M. (2017). Critical reading strategies in the advanced English classroom. APU Journal of Language Research, 2.
  • Lgwenagu, C. (2016). Fundamentals of research methodology and data collection. Nigeria: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing.
  • Mastud, S. (2017). From class consciousness to individual consciousness: The contour of inequality in Aravind Adiga's the white tiger. The International Journal English Language, Literature in Humanities (IJELLH), 5(10).
  • Mills, C., W. (n.d.). Dahrendorf conflict theory. Modern Theories of Social Stratification. (137-139). khsu/mpoile/ch 5.pdf
  • Nescollarde-Selva, J. A., Usó-Doménech, J. L., & Gash, H. (2017). What are ideological systems? Systems, 5(1), 21
  • Omulkheir, & Wafa. (2017). The role of skimming and scanning in developing reading abilities in Esp. class. (Master thesis submitted to the Department of Letters and Foreign Languages, Kasdi Merbah University, Ouargla). dspace. univ-ourgla. dz. bitstream
  • Pahl, R., & Spencer, L. (2010). Family, friends, and personal communities: Changing models-in- the-mind. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 2(3), 197-210. Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex.
  • Pillai, N., V. (2015). Data analysis and interpretation. The proceedings of the conference presented to the participants of an induction training program organized by the Institute of management in government in collaboration with DoPT, India.
  • Ray, A. (n.d.). Moving beyond the blues. Book review of Blue Dust, by Ayesha Salman. beyond-the-blues/
  • Isajiw, W. W. (1993). Definition and dimensions of ethnicity: A theoretical framework. Challenges of measuring an ethnic world: Science, politics and reality, 407-427. Canada: Ottawa.
  • Salman, A. (2012). Blue dust. New Delhi: India Ink.
  • Sandhu, H. S. (2016). Beyond the land of five rivers: Social inequality and class consciousness in the Canadian Sikh Diaspora. (Master research paper submitted to Eastern University, Finland). e=1009
  • Sarwari, A. (2012). How to be a woman in Pakistan. Book Review of Blue Dust by Ayesha Salman. The Friday Times. devices-and-terms/point-of-view
  • Swartz, D. (2012). Culture and power: The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. University of Chicago Press.
  • Snow, D. A., & Lessor, R. G. (2013). Consciousness, conscience, and social movements. [Article post]. 2/9780470674871.wbespm461
  • Zehra, B. (2012). Out of the blue . Book review of Blue dust, by Ayesha Salman. The Express Tribune. https://tri

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    CHICAGO : Jan, Ayesha, Farooq Shah, and Saddam Ul Islam. 2022. "Blue Dust as a Conflict Narrative." Global Sociological Review, VII (II): 11-17 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2022(VII-II).02
    HARVARD : JAN, A., SHAH, F. & ISLAM, S. U. 2022. Blue Dust as a Conflict Narrative. Global Sociological Review, VII, 11-17 .
    MHRA : Jan, Ayesha, Farooq Shah, and Saddam Ul Islam. 2022. "Blue Dust as a Conflict Narrative." Global Sociological Review, VII: 11-17
    MLA : Jan, Ayesha, Farooq Shah, and Saddam Ul Islam. "Blue Dust as a Conflict Narrative." Global Sociological Review, VII.II (2022): 11-17 Print.
    OXFORD : Jan, Ayesha, Shah, Farooq, and Islam, Saddam Ul (2022), "Blue Dust as a Conflict Narrative", Global Sociological Review, VII (II), 11-17