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- Sonntag, H. (2001). Dependency Theory. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences.
- Staszewske, K. C. (2015). Making Financing for Development Work for Gender Equality: what is needed at Addis and beyond?. London: GADN.
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- Swanson, A. a. (2003). Public Environmental Expenditure Reviews: experience and emerging practice. Washington DC: World Bank.
- Valeria, E. S. (2016). Gender and the Sustainable Development Goals. Gender & Development, 24(1), 1–8.
- Veen, R. van der, & Preece, J. (2005). Poverty reduction and adult education: beyond basic education. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 24(5), 381–391.
- Virtanen, M. A. (2017). Dependency Theory – A Conceptual Lens to Understand China’s Presence in Africa? Forum for Development Studies, 44(3), 429–451.
- Andrews, N., & Bawa, S. (2014). A post- development hoax?(Re)-examining the past, present and future of development studies. Third World Quarterly, 35(6), 922- 938.
- Biesta, G. (2009). Good education in an age of measurement: On the need to reconnect with the question of purpose in education. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability (formerly: Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education), 21(1), 33-46.
- Clayton, B. a. (2002). Sustainable Development Strategies: a Resource Book. London: Earthscan Publications.
- Dasgupta, S., Hamilton, K., Pandey, K. D., & Wheeler, D. (2006). Environment during growth: accounting for governance and vulnerability. World development, 34(9), 1597-1611.
- Dlouhá, J., & PospÃÅ¡ilová, M. (2018). Education for Sustainable Development Goals in public debate: The importance of participatory research in reflecting and supporting the consultation process in developing a vision for Czech education. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 4314–4327.
- Duke, C. (1987). Adult education, poverty and development. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 6(4), 319-330.
- Emas, R. (2015). The concept of Sustainable Developmennt. sustainable development un org.
- Esquivel, V. a. (2016). Gender and the Sustainable development Goals. Rutledge.
- Hyman, H. (1987). Secondary Analysis of Sample Surveys. Wesleyan University Press; New edition.
- Karl, T. (2015, September 27). Revise Sociology.
- Koehler, G. (2016). Tapping the Sustainable Development Goals for progressive genderequity and equality policy. Oxfam, Rutledge Gender & Development Publications.
- MacEachen, E. (Ed.). (2019). The science and politics of work disability prevention. New York: Routledge.Dalal-
- Maida, U. & Zahid. (2018). SDG Index for Pakistan at Provincial Level. Munich Personal RePEc Archive. 1-21.
- Max, H. N. (1988). Dependency Theory in Comparative Education: Twelve Lessons from the Literature. CERC's Electronic Book.
- Nguyen, T. P. (2019). Searching for education for sustainable development in Vietnam. Environmental Education Research, 1–13.
- Ofei-Manu, D. (2015). The role of education in the sustainable development agends: Empowering a learning society for suntainability through quality education. 95-133.
- Paris, D. P. (2005, March). Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. Paris: High Level Forum.
- Pierson, P. (1993). When Effect Becomes Cause: Policy Feedback and Political Change. World Politics, 45(4), 595-628.
- Robert, J. (2015, 7 1). The role of education in the sustainable development agenda. The role of education in the sustainable development agenda, 95-133.
- Roux, A &Teise, K. (2016). Education for Sustainable Development in South Africa: A Model Case Scenario. Africa Education Review, 13(3-4), 65–79.
- Sonntag, H. (2001). Dependency Theory. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences.
- Staszewske, K. C. (2015). Making Financing for Development Work for Gender Equality: what is needed at Addis and beyond?. London: GADN.
- Sterling, S. (2016). A Commentary on Education and Sustainable Development Goals. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 10(2), 208–213.
- Swallow, B. (2005). Potential for poverty reduction strategies to address community priorities:case study of Kenya. World Development, 33(2),
- Swanson, A. a. (2003). Public Environmental Expenditure Reviews: experience and emerging practice. Washington DC: World Bank.
- Valeria, E. S. (2016). Gender and the Sustainable Development Goals. Gender & Development, 24(1), 1–8.
- Veen, R. van der, & Preece, J. (2005). Poverty reduction and adult education: beyond basic education. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 24(5), 381–391.
- Virtanen, M. A. (2017). Dependency Theory – A Conceptual Lens to Understand China’s Presence in Africa? Forum for Development Studies, 44(3), 429–451.
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APA : Sharif, M., Raheem, A., & Mohan, G. (2022). Bringing Modernization Debate Back in: Inter-Provincial time Series Performance and Forecasting of Key Sustainable Development Indicator. Global Sociological Review, VII(II), 194-207.
CHICAGO : Sharif, Muhammad, Abdul Raheem, and Gautam Mohan. 2022. "Bringing Modernization Debate Back in: Inter-Provincial time Series Performance and Forecasting of Key Sustainable Development Indicator." Global Sociological Review, VII (II): 194-207 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2022(VII-II).21
HARVARD : SHARIF, M., RAHEEM, A. & MOHAN, G. 2022. Bringing Modernization Debate Back in: Inter-Provincial time Series Performance and Forecasting of Key Sustainable Development Indicator. Global Sociological Review, VII, 194-207.
MHRA : Sharif, Muhammad, Abdul Raheem, and Gautam Mohan. 2022. "Bringing Modernization Debate Back in: Inter-Provincial time Series Performance and Forecasting of Key Sustainable Development Indicator." Global Sociological Review, VII: 194-207
MLA : Sharif, Muhammad, Abdul Raheem, and Gautam Mohan. "Bringing Modernization Debate Back in: Inter-Provincial time Series Performance and Forecasting of Key Sustainable Development Indicator." Global Sociological Review, VII.II (2022): 194-207 Print.
OXFORD : Sharif, Muhammad, Raheem, Abdul, and Mohan, Gautam (2022), "Bringing Modernization Debate Back in: Inter-Provincial time Series Performance and Forecasting of Key Sustainable Development Indicator", Global Sociological Review, VII (II), 194-207
TURABIAN : Sharif, Muhammad, Abdul Raheem, and Gautam Mohan. "Bringing Modernization Debate Back in: Inter-Provincial time Series Performance and Forecasting of Key Sustainable Development Indicator." Global Sociological Review VII, no. II (2022): 194-207.