- Abuvia, A. (2008). If money doesn’t make us happy, why do we act as if it does? Journal of Economic Psychology, 29(4), 491–507.
- Angrist, J., Lang, D., & Oreopoulos, P. (2009). Incentives and Services for College Achievement: Evidence from a Randomized Trial. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1(1), 136–163.
- Atkinson, A. A., Banker, R., Kaplan, R. S., & Young, S. M. (2001 ). Management accounting (3rd ed.).
- Bates, S. (2003). Top pay for best performance. HR Magazine, 48(1), 30–38. magazine/pages/0103covstorya.aspx
- Bonner, S. E., Hastie, R., Sprinkle, G. B., & Young, S. M. (2000). A Review of the Effects of Financial Incentives on Performance in Laboratory Tasks: Implications for Management Accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 12(1), 19– 64.
- Byron, K., & Khazanchi, S. (2012). Rewards and creative performance: A meta-analytic test of theoretically derived hypotheses. Psychological Bulletin, 138(4), 809–830.
- Cameron, J., Banko, K. M., & Pierce, W. D. (2001). Pervasive negative effects of rewards on intrinsic motivation: The myth continues. The Behavior Analyst, 24(1), 1–44.
- Colagiuri, B. (2013). Facilitation of voluntary goal- directed action by reward cues. Psychological Science, 24(10), 2030-2037.
- Deckop, J. R., & Giacalone, R. A. (2010). Effects of materialism on work- related personal well- being. Human Relations, 63(7), -1030.
- Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New York: Plenum. 1-4899-2271-7
- Deci, E. L., Koestner, R., & Ryan, R. M. (2001). Extrinsic rewards and intrinsic motivation in education: Reconsidered once again. Review of educational research, 71(1), 1-27.
- Devoe, S. E. (2013). When does money make money more important? Survey and experimental evidence. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 66, 1078–1096.
- Engelberg, E. (2006). Money attitudes and emotional intelligence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(8), 2027-2047.
- Hur, J. D., & Nordgren, L. F. (2016). Paying for performance: Performance incentives increase desire for the reward object. Journal of personality and social psychology, 111(3), 301.
- Jin, L., & Huang, Y. (2014). When giving money does not work: The differential effects of monetary versus in-kind rewards in referral reward programs. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31(1), 107-116.
- Kasser, T. (2006). The ethical problems of a materialistic value orientation for businesses (and some suggestions for alternatives). In: Deckop JR (ed.) Human Resource Management Ethics.
- Kavanagh, D. J., & Andrade, J. (2005). Imaginary relish and exquisite torture: the elaborated intrusion theory of desire. Psychological review, 112(2), 446.
- Kemps, E., & Christianson, R. (2008). Concurrent visuo-spatial processing reduces food cravings in prescribed weight-loss dieters. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 39(2), 177-186.
- Keng, K. A., Jung, K., Jiuan, T. S., & Wirtz, J. (2000). The influence of materialistic inclination on values, life satisfaction and aspirations: An empirical analysis. Social Indicators Research, 49(3), 317-333.
- King, R. B., & Datu, J. A. D. (2017). Materialism does not pay: Materialistic students have lower motivation, engagement, and achievement. Contemporary educational psychology, 49, 289-301
- Lasaleta, J. D., Sedikides, C., & Vohs, K. D. (2014). Nostalgia weakens the desire for money. Journal of Consumer Research, 41, 713– 729.
- Lazear, E. P. (2000). Performance pay and productivity. American Economic Review, 90(5), 1346-1361.
- Markman, A. B., Maddox, W. T., & Worthy, D. A. (2006). Choking and excelling under pressure. Psychological Science, 17(11), 944-948.
- Muehlbacher, S., Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E., Ashby, J., Berti, C., Job, J., Waldherr, K. (2008). Hard- earned income and tax compliance: A survey in eight nations. European Psychologist, 13, 298– 304. 9040.13.4.298
- Promislo, M. D., Deckop, J. R., Giacalone, T. A., & Jurkiewicz, C. L (2010). Valuing money more than people: The effects of materialism on work-family conflict. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 83, 935-953.
- Richins, M. L. (2004). The material values scale: Measurement properties and development of a short form. Journal of consumer Research, 31(1), 209-219.
- Clement, A., &Roberts, J. A. (2007). Materialism and satisfaction with overall quality of life and eight life domains. Social Indicators Research, 82, 79-92. Fs11205-006-9015-0
- Ronay, R. (2010). The presence of an attractive woman elevates testosterone and physical risk taking in young men. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1(1), 57-64.
- Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). When rewards compete with nature: The undermining of intrinsic motivation and self-regulation. In C. Sansone & J.M. Harackiewicz (Eds.), Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: The search for optimal motivation and performance, 14–48. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 0/50024-6
- Suri, G. (2015). Launching reappraisal: It’s less common than you might think. Emotion, 15(1), 73.
- Abuvia, A. (2008). If money doesn’t make us happy, why do we act as if it does? Journal of Economic Psychology, 29(4), 491–507.
- Angrist, J., Lang, D., & Oreopoulos, P. (2009). Incentives and Services for College Achievement: Evidence from a Randomized Trial. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1(1), 136–163.
- Atkinson, A. A., Banker, R., Kaplan, R. S., & Young, S. M. (2001 ). Management accounting (3rd ed.).
- Bates, S. (2003). Top pay for best performance. HR Magazine, 48(1), 30–38. magazine/pages/0103covstorya.aspx
- Bonner, S. E., Hastie, R., Sprinkle, G. B., & Young, S. M. (2000). A Review of the Effects of Financial Incentives on Performance in Laboratory Tasks: Implications for Management Accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 12(1), 19– 64.
- Byron, K., & Khazanchi, S. (2012). Rewards and creative performance: A meta-analytic test of theoretically derived hypotheses. Psychological Bulletin, 138(4), 809–830.
- Cameron, J., Banko, K. M., & Pierce, W. D. (2001). Pervasive negative effects of rewards on intrinsic motivation: The myth continues. The Behavior Analyst, 24(1), 1–44.
- Colagiuri, B. (2013). Facilitation of voluntary goal- directed action by reward cues. Psychological Science, 24(10), 2030-2037.
- Deckop, J. R., & Giacalone, R. A. (2010). Effects of materialism on work- related personal well- being. Human Relations, 63(7), -1030.
- Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New York: Plenum. 1-4899-2271-7
- Deci, E. L., Koestner, R., & Ryan, R. M. (2001). Extrinsic rewards and intrinsic motivation in education: Reconsidered once again. Review of educational research, 71(1), 1-27.
- Devoe, S. E. (2013). When does money make money more important? Survey and experimental evidence. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 66, 1078–1096.
- Engelberg, E. (2006). Money attitudes and emotional intelligence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(8), 2027-2047.
- Hur, J. D., & Nordgren, L. F. (2016). Paying for performance: Performance incentives increase desire for the reward object. Journal of personality and social psychology, 111(3), 301.
- Jin, L., & Huang, Y. (2014). When giving money does not work: The differential effects of monetary versus in-kind rewards in referral reward programs. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31(1), 107-116.
- Kasser, T. (2006). The ethical problems of a materialistic value orientation for businesses (and some suggestions for alternatives). In: Deckop JR (ed.) Human Resource Management Ethics.
- Kavanagh, D. J., & Andrade, J. (2005). Imaginary relish and exquisite torture: the elaborated intrusion theory of desire. Psychological review, 112(2), 446.
- Kemps, E., & Christianson, R. (2008). Concurrent visuo-spatial processing reduces food cravings in prescribed weight-loss dieters. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 39(2), 177-186.
- Keng, K. A., Jung, K., Jiuan, T. S., & Wirtz, J. (2000). The influence of materialistic inclination on values, life satisfaction and aspirations: An empirical analysis. Social Indicators Research, 49(3), 317-333.
- King, R. B., & Datu, J. A. D. (2017). Materialism does not pay: Materialistic students have lower motivation, engagement, and achievement. Contemporary educational psychology, 49, 289-301
- Lasaleta, J. D., Sedikides, C., & Vohs, K. D. (2014). Nostalgia weakens the desire for money. Journal of Consumer Research, 41, 713– 729.
- Lazear, E. P. (2000). Performance pay and productivity. American Economic Review, 90(5), 1346-1361.
- Markman, A. B., Maddox, W. T., & Worthy, D. A. (2006). Choking and excelling under pressure. Psychological Science, 17(11), 944-948.
- Muehlbacher, S., Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E., Ashby, J., Berti, C., Job, J., Waldherr, K. (2008). Hard- earned income and tax compliance: A survey in eight nations. European Psychologist, 13, 298– 304. 9040.13.4.298
- Promislo, M. D., Deckop, J. R., Giacalone, T. A., & Jurkiewicz, C. L (2010). Valuing money more than people: The effects of materialism on work-family conflict. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 83, 935-953.
- Richins, M. L. (2004). The material values scale: Measurement properties and development of a short form. Journal of consumer Research, 31(1), 209-219.
- Clement, A., &Roberts, J. A. (2007). Materialism and satisfaction with overall quality of life and eight life domains. Social Indicators Research, 82, 79-92. Fs11205-006-9015-0
- Ronay, R. (2010). The presence of an attractive woman elevates testosterone and physical risk taking in young men. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1(1), 57-64.
- Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). When rewards compete with nature: The undermining of intrinsic motivation and self-regulation. In C. Sansone & J.M. Harackiewicz (Eds.), Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: The search for optimal motivation and performance, 14–48. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 0/50024-6
- Suri, G. (2015). Launching reappraisal: It’s less common than you might think. Emotion, 15(1), 73.
Cite this article
APA : Qazi, A., Andleeb, S., & Ali, S. (2022). Impact of Performance Incentives on Desire for Money and Materialism. Global Sociological Review, VII(II), 142-148.
CHICAGO : Qazi, Amina, Salma Andleeb, and Sara Ali. 2022. "Impact of Performance Incentives on Desire for Money and Materialism." Global Sociological Review, VII (II): 142-148 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2022(VII-II).15
HARVARD : QAZI, A., ANDLEEB, S. & ALI, S. 2022. Impact of Performance Incentives on Desire for Money and Materialism. Global Sociological Review, VII, 142-148.
MHRA : Qazi, Amina, Salma Andleeb, and Sara Ali. 2022. "Impact of Performance Incentives on Desire for Money and Materialism." Global Sociological Review, VII: 142-148
MLA : Qazi, Amina, Salma Andleeb, and Sara Ali. "Impact of Performance Incentives on Desire for Money and Materialism." Global Sociological Review, VII.II (2022): 142-148 Print.
OXFORD : Qazi, Amina, Andleeb, Salma, and Ali, Sara (2022), "Impact of Performance Incentives on Desire for Money and Materialism", Global Sociological Review, VII (II), 142-148
TURABIAN : Qazi, Amina, Salma Andleeb, and Sara Ali. "Impact of Performance Incentives on Desire for Money and Materialism." Global Sociological Review VII, no. II (2022): 142-148.