Authored by : Umia Gull , Ashraf Iqbal , Usman Idrees

28 Pages : 273-281


  • Alden, L. E., Bieling, P. J., & Wallace, S. T. (1994). Perfectionism in an interpersonal context: A self- regulation analysis of dysphoria and social anxiety. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 18(4), 297-316.
  • Ashforth, B. E., & Mael, F. (1989). Social identity theory and the organization. Academy of management review, 14(1), 20-39.
  • Bennet, A. (2015). Social Media: Global Perspectives, Applications and Benefits and Dangers. Novinka.
  • Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2003). Consumer– company identification: A framework for understanding consumers’ relationships with companies. Journal of Marketing, 67(2), 76-88.
  • Casale, S., Fioravanti, G., Rugai, L., Flett, G. L., & Hewitt, P. L. (2016). The interpersonal expression of perfectionism among grandiose and vulnerable narcissists: Perfectionistic self- presentation, effortless perfection, and the ability to seem perfect. Personality and Individual Differences, 99, 320-324.
  • Chen, L. H., Kee, Y. H., & Tsai, Y.-M. (2008). An Examination of the Dual Model of Perfectionism and Adolescent Athlete Burnout: A Short-Term Longitudinal Research. Social Indicators Research, 91(2), 189–201.
  • Dunkley, D. M., Blankstein, K. R., Masheb, R. M., & Grilo, C. M. (2006). Personal standards and evaluative concerns dimensions of “clinical” perfectionism: A reply to Shafran et al.(2002, 2003) and Hewitt et al.(2003). Behaviour research and therapy, 44(1), 63-84.
  • Dunkley, D. M., Sanislow, C. A., Grilo, C. M., & McGlashan, T. H. (2006). Perfectionism and depressive symptoms 3 years later: Negative social interactions, avoidant coping, and perceived social support as mediators. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 47(2), 106-115.
  • Ellemers, N., Kortekaas, P., & Ouwerkerk, J. W. (1999). Self-categorisation, commitment to the group and group self-esteem as related but distinct aspects of social identity. European journal of social psychology, 29(2-3), 371-389.
  • Ellemers, N., Spears, R., & Doosje, B. (1999). Social identity (p. 144). Blackwell: Oxford.
  • Enns, M. W., Cox, B. J., & Clara, I. P. (2005). Perfectionism and neuroticism: A longitudinal study of specific vulnerability and diathesis-stress models. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 29, 463-478.
  • Figueiredo, F., Almeida, J. M., Gonçalves, M. A., & Benevenuto, F. (2014). On the dynamics of social media popularity: A YouTube case study. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 14(4), 1-23.
  • Flett, G. L., Hewitt, P. L., Blankstein, K. R., & Mosher, S. W. (1991). Perfectionism and self- actualization, and personal adjustment. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 6(5), 147.
  • Gupta, S. K., Phung, D., Adams, B., Tran, T., & Venkatesh, S. (2010, July). Nonnegative shared subspace learning and its application to social media retrieval. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining 1169-1178).
  • Habke, A. M., & Flynn, C. (2002). Interpersonal aspects of trait perfectionism. In American Psychological Association eBooks (pp. 151–180).
  • Hadad, C. (2015). Why some 13-year-olds check social media 100 times a day. CNN.
  • Harris, P. W., Pepper, C. M., & Maack, D. J. (2008). The relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and depressive symptoms: The mediating role of rumination. Personality and Individual Differences, 44(1), 150-160.
  • Hartmann, P., Fernández, P., Apaolaza, V., Eisend, M., & D’Souza, C. (2020). Explaining viral CSR message propagation in social media: The role of normative influences. Journal of Business Ethics, 173, 365-385.
  • Haslam, C., Steffens, N. K., Branscombe, N. R., Haslam, S. A., Cruwys, T., Lam, B. C., & Yang, J. (2018). The importance of social groups for retirement adjustment: evidence, application, and policy implications of the social identity model of identity change. Social issues and policy review, 13(1), 93-124.
  • Hayati, B., Atefi, Y., & Ahearne, M. (2018). Salesforce leadership during strategy implementation: a social network perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46, 612-631.
  • Hewitt, P. L., Caelian, C. F., Flett, G. L., Sherry, S. B., Collins, L., & Flynn, C. A. (2002). Perfectionism in children: Associations with depression, anxiety, and anger. Personality and Individual Differences, 32(6), 1049-1061.
  • Hewitt, P. L., Flett, G. L., & Ediger, E. (1996). Perfectionism and depression: longitudinal assessment of a specific vulnerability hypothesis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 105(2), 276.
  • Hewitt, P. L., Flett, G. L., Sherry, S., & Caelian, C. (2006). Trait perfectionism dimensions and suicidal behavior. In American Psychological Association eBooks (pp. 215–235).
  • Hewitt, P. L., Newton, J., Flett, G. L., & Callander, L. (1997). Perfectionism and suicide ideation in adolescent psychiatric patients. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 25, 95-101.
  • Huang, G. I., Chen, Y. V., & Wong, I. A. (2020). Hotel guests’ social commerce intention: the role of social support, social capital and social identification. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(2), 706-729.
  • Huang, Y., Basu, C., & Hsu, M. K. (2010). Exploring motivations of travel knowledge sharing on social network sites: an empirical investigation of US college students. Journal of hospitality marketing & management, 19(7), 717-734.
  • Huang, Z., & Benyoucef, M. (2013). User-centered investigation of social commerce design. In Online Communities and Social Computing: 5th International conference, OCSC 2013, Held as Part of HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 21-26, 2013. Proceedings 5 (pp. 287- 295). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Jain, M., & Sudhir, P. M. (2010). Dimensions of perfectionism and perfectionistic self- presentation in social phobia. Asian journal of psychiatry, 3(4), 216-221.
  • Juster, H. R., Heimberg, R. G., Frost, R. O., Holt, C. S., Mattia, J. I., & Faccenda, K. (1996). Social phobia and perfectionism. Personality and Individual Differences, 21(3), 403–410.
  • Kim, K. S., Yoo-Lee, E., & Joanna Sin, S. C. (2011). Social media as information source: Undergraduates' use and evaluation behavior. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 48(1), 1-3.
  • Korolov, R., Peabody, J., Lavoie, A., Das, S., Magdon-Ismail, M., & Wallace, W. (2015, August). Actions are louder than words in social media. In Proceedings of the 2015 ieee/acm International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining,2015 292-297.
  • Lam, S. K., Ahearne, M., Hu, Y., & Schillewaert, N. (2010). Resistance to brand switching when a radically new brand is introduced: A social identity theory perspective. Journal of Marketing, 74(6), 128-146.
  • Liang, T. P., & Turban, E. (2011). Introduction to the special issue social commerce: a research framework for social commerce. International Journal of electronic commerce, 16(2), 5-14.
  • Liang, T. P., Ho, Y. T., Li, Y. W., & Turban, E. (2011). What drives social commerce: The role of social support and relationship quality? International journal of electronic commerce, 16(2), 69-90.
  • Lin, K. Y., & Lu, H. P. (2011). Why people use social networking sites: An empirical study integrating network externalities and motivation theory. Computers in human behavior, 27(3), 1152-1161.
  • Lombardo, C., Novara, C., Mallia, L., Pastore, M., & Vacca, M. (2022). The short forms of the Hewitt and Flett's multidimensional perfectionism scale: which factor structure better fits Italian data?. Journal of Personality Assessment, 104(1), 98-109.
  • Luhtanen, R., & Crocker, J. (1992). A collective self- esteem scale: Self-evaluation of one's social identity. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 18(3), 302-318.
  • Madrigal, R. (2001). Social identity effects in a belief– attitude–intentions hierarchy: Implications for corporate sponsorship. Psychology & Marketing, 18(2), 145-165.;2-t
  • McNamara, T. (1997). Theorizing social identity; what do we mean by social identity? Competing frameworks, competing discourses. TESOL Quarterly, 31(3), 561-567.
  • Murphy, E. (2019). Perfectly Alone (and Anxious): A Test of the Perfectionism Social Disconnection Model in Adolescents.
  • Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F. (2015). XBRL diffusion in social media: Discourses and community learning. Journal of Information Systems, 29(2), 71-106.
  • Popkin, H. A. (2012). We spent 230,060 years on social media in one month. NBC News.
  • Sherry, S. B., Law, A., Hewitt, P. L., Flett, G. L., & Besser, A. (2008). Social support as a mediator of the relationship between perfectionism and depression: A preliminary test of the social disconnection model. Personality and Individual Differences, 45(5), 339-344.
  • Smith, M. M., Sherry, S. B., McLarnon, M. E., Flett, G. L., Hewitt, P. L., Saklofske, D. H., & Etherson, M. E. (2018). Why does socially prescribed perfectionism place people at risk for depression? A five-month, two-wave longitudinal study of the Perfectionism Social Disconnection Model. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 49-54.
  • Stoeber, J., & Rambow, A. (2007). Perfectionism in adolescent school students: Relations with motivation, achievement, and well- being. Personality and individual differences, 42(7), 1379-1389.
  • Tajfel, H. (1982). Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations. Annual Review of Psychology, 33(1), 1– 39.
  • TSUBOTA, Y., & ISHII, H. (2017). Psychological Stress Model Assumes Self-Oriented Perfectionism as Antecedent Factor and Self- Efficacy’s Moderation Effect. 名古屋大学大学 院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科 å­¦, (64), 63-75.
  • Wieseke, J., Kraus, F., Ahearne, M., & Mikolon, S. (2012). Multiple identification foci and their countervailing effects on salespeople's negative headquarters stereotypes. Journal of Marketing, 76(3), 1-20.
  • Yang, M., Kiang, M., Ku, Y., Chiu, C., & Li, Y. (2011). Social media analytics for radical opinion mining in hate group web forums. Journal of homeland security and emergency management, 8(1),
  • Zhang, Y., Gao, Y., Tang, Y., & Li, Y. (2020). The role of workplace social capital on the relationship between perceived stress and professional identity among clinical nurses during the COVID -19 outbreak. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 18(1).
  • Alden, L. E., Bieling, P. J., & Wallace, S. T. (1994). Perfectionism in an interpersonal context: A self- regulation analysis of dysphoria and social anxiety. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 18(4), 297-316.
  • Ashforth, B. E., & Mael, F. (1989). Social identity theory and the organization. Academy of management review, 14(1), 20-39.
  • Bennet, A. (2015). Social Media: Global Perspectives, Applications and Benefits and Dangers. Novinka.
  • Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2003). Consumer– company identification: A framework for understanding consumers’ relationships with companies. Journal of Marketing, 67(2), 76-88.
  • Casale, S., Fioravanti, G., Rugai, L., Flett, G. L., & Hewitt, P. L. (2016). The interpersonal expression of perfectionism among grandiose and vulnerable narcissists: Perfectionistic self- presentation, effortless perfection, and the ability to seem perfect. Personality and Individual Differences, 99, 320-324.
  • Chen, L. H., Kee, Y. H., & Tsai, Y.-M. (2008). An Examination of the Dual Model of Perfectionism and Adolescent Athlete Burnout: A Short-Term Longitudinal Research. Social Indicators Research, 91(2), 189–201.
  • Dunkley, D. M., Blankstein, K. R., Masheb, R. M., & Grilo, C. M. (2006). Personal standards and evaluative concerns dimensions of “clinical” perfectionism: A reply to Shafran et al.(2002, 2003) and Hewitt et al.(2003). Behaviour research and therapy, 44(1), 63-84.
  • Dunkley, D. M., Sanislow, C. A., Grilo, C. M., & McGlashan, T. H. (2006). Perfectionism and depressive symptoms 3 years later: Negative social interactions, avoidant coping, and perceived social support as mediators. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 47(2), 106-115.
  • Ellemers, N., Kortekaas, P., & Ouwerkerk, J. W. (1999). Self-categorisation, commitment to the group and group self-esteem as related but distinct aspects of social identity. European journal of social psychology, 29(2-3), 371-389.
  • Ellemers, N., Spears, R., & Doosje, B. (1999). Social identity (p. 144). Blackwell: Oxford.
  • Enns, M. W., Cox, B. J., & Clara, I. P. (2005). Perfectionism and neuroticism: A longitudinal study of specific vulnerability and diathesis-stress models. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 29, 463-478.
  • Figueiredo, F., Almeida, J. M., Gonçalves, M. A., & Benevenuto, F. (2014). On the dynamics of social media popularity: A YouTube case study. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 14(4), 1-23.
  • Flett, G. L., Hewitt, P. L., Blankstein, K. R., & Mosher, S. W. (1991). Perfectionism and self- actualization, and personal adjustment. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 6(5), 147.
  • Gupta, S. K., Phung, D., Adams, B., Tran, T., & Venkatesh, S. (2010, July). Nonnegative shared subspace learning and its application to social media retrieval. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining 1169-1178).
  • Habke, A. M., & Flynn, C. (2002). Interpersonal aspects of trait perfectionism. In American Psychological Association eBooks (pp. 151–180).
  • Hadad, C. (2015). Why some 13-year-olds check social media 100 times a day. CNN.
  • Harris, P. W., Pepper, C. M., & Maack, D. J. (2008). The relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and depressive symptoms: The mediating role of rumination. Personality and Individual Differences, 44(1), 150-160.
  • Hartmann, P., Fernández, P., Apaolaza, V., Eisend, M., & D’Souza, C. (2020). Explaining viral CSR message propagation in social media: The role of normative influences. Journal of Business Ethics, 173, 365-385.
  • Haslam, C., Steffens, N. K., Branscombe, N. R., Haslam, S. A., Cruwys, T., Lam, B. C., & Yang, J. (2018). The importance of social groups for retirement adjustment: evidence, application, and policy implications of the social identity model of identity change. Social issues and policy review, 13(1), 93-124.
  • Hayati, B., Atefi, Y., & Ahearne, M. (2018). Salesforce leadership during strategy implementation: a social network perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46, 612-631.
  • Hewitt, P. L., Caelian, C. F., Flett, G. L., Sherry, S. B., Collins, L., & Flynn, C. A. (2002). Perfectionism in children: Associations with depression, anxiety, and anger. Personality and Individual Differences, 32(6), 1049-1061.
  • Hewitt, P. L., Flett, G. L., & Ediger, E. (1996). Perfectionism and depression: longitudinal assessment of a specific vulnerability hypothesis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 105(2), 276.
  • Hewitt, P. L., Flett, G. L., Sherry, S., & Caelian, C. (2006). Trait perfectionism dimensions and suicidal behavior. In American Psychological Association eBooks (pp. 215–235).
  • Hewitt, P. L., Newton, J., Flett, G. L., & Callander, L. (1997). Perfectionism and suicide ideation in adolescent psychiatric patients. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 25, 95-101.
  • Huang, G. I., Chen, Y. V., & Wong, I. A. (2020). Hotel guests’ social commerce intention: the role of social support, social capital and social identification. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(2), 706-729.
  • Huang, Y., Basu, C., & Hsu, M. K. (2010). Exploring motivations of travel knowledge sharing on social network sites: an empirical investigation of US college students. Journal of hospitality marketing & management, 19(7), 717-734.
  • Huang, Z., & Benyoucef, M. (2013). User-centered investigation of social commerce design. In Online Communities and Social Computing: 5th International conference, OCSC 2013, Held as Part of HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 21-26, 2013. Proceedings 5 (pp. 287- 295). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Jain, M., & Sudhir, P. M. (2010). Dimensions of perfectionism and perfectionistic self- presentation in social phobia. Asian journal of psychiatry, 3(4), 216-221.
  • Juster, H. R., Heimberg, R. G., Frost, R. O., Holt, C. S., Mattia, J. I., & Faccenda, K. (1996). Social phobia and perfectionism. Personality and Individual Differences, 21(3), 403–410.
  • Kim, K. S., Yoo-Lee, E., & Joanna Sin, S. C. (2011). Social media as information source: Undergraduates' use and evaluation behavior. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 48(1), 1-3.
  • Korolov, R., Peabody, J., Lavoie, A., Das, S., Magdon-Ismail, M., & Wallace, W. (2015, August). Actions are louder than words in social media. In Proceedings of the 2015 ieee/acm International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining,2015 292-297.
  • Lam, S. K., Ahearne, M., Hu, Y., & Schillewaert, N. (2010). Resistance to brand switching when a radically new brand is introduced: A social identity theory perspective. Journal of Marketing, 74(6), 128-146.
  • Liang, T. P., & Turban, E. (2011). Introduction to the special issue social commerce: a research framework for social commerce. International Journal of electronic commerce, 16(2), 5-14.
  • Liang, T. P., Ho, Y. T., Li, Y. W., & Turban, E. (2011). What drives social commerce: The role of social support and relationship quality? International journal of electronic commerce, 16(2), 69-90.
  • Lin, K. Y., & Lu, H. P. (2011). Why people use social networking sites: An empirical study integrating network externalities and motivation theory. Computers in human behavior, 27(3), 1152-1161.
  • Lombardo, C., Novara, C., Mallia, L., Pastore, M., & Vacca, M. (2022). The short forms of the Hewitt and Flett's multidimensional perfectionism scale: which factor structure better fits Italian data?. Journal of Personality Assessment, 104(1), 98-109.
  • Luhtanen, R., & Crocker, J. (1992). A collective self- esteem scale: Self-evaluation of one's social identity. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 18(3), 302-318.
  • Madrigal, R. (2001). Social identity effects in a belief– attitude–intentions hierarchy: Implications for corporate sponsorship. Psychology & Marketing, 18(2), 145-165.;2-t
  • McNamara, T. (1997). Theorizing social identity; what do we mean by social identity? Competing frameworks, competing discourses. TESOL Quarterly, 31(3), 561-567.
  • Murphy, E. (2019). Perfectly Alone (and Anxious): A Test of the Perfectionism Social Disconnection Model in Adolescents.
  • Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F. (2015). XBRL diffusion in social media: Discourses and community learning. Journal of Information Systems, 29(2), 71-106.
  • Popkin, H. A. (2012). We spent 230,060 years on social media in one month. NBC News.
  • Sherry, S. B., Law, A., Hewitt, P. L., Flett, G. L., & Besser, A. (2008). Social support as a mediator of the relationship between perfectionism and depression: A preliminary test of the social disconnection model. Personality and Individual Differences, 45(5), 339-344.
  • Smith, M. M., Sherry, S. B., McLarnon, M. E., Flett, G. L., Hewitt, P. L., Saklofske, D. H., & Etherson, M. E. (2018). Why does socially prescribed perfectionism place people at risk for depression? A five-month, two-wave longitudinal study of the Perfectionism Social Disconnection Model. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 49-54.
  • Stoeber, J., & Rambow, A. (2007). Perfectionism in adolescent school students: Relations with motivation, achievement, and well- being. Personality and individual differences, 42(7), 1379-1389.
  • Tajfel, H. (1982). Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations. Annual Review of Psychology, 33(1), 1– 39.
  • TSUBOTA, Y., & ISHII, H. (2017). Psychological Stress Model Assumes Self-Oriented Perfectionism as Antecedent Factor and Self- Efficacy’s Moderation Effect. 名古屋大学大学 院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科 å­¦, (64), 63-75.
  • Wieseke, J., Kraus, F., Ahearne, M., & Mikolon, S. (2012). Multiple identification foci and their countervailing effects on salespeople's negative headquarters stereotypes. Journal of Marketing, 76(3), 1-20.
  • Yang, M., Kiang, M., Ku, Y., Chiu, C., & Li, Y. (2011). Social media analytics for radical opinion mining in hate group web forums. Journal of homeland security and emergency management, 8(1),
  • Zhang, Y., Gao, Y., Tang, Y., & Li, Y. (2020). The role of workplace social capital on the relationship between perceived stress and professional identity among clinical nurses during the COVID -19 outbreak. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 18(1).

Cite this article

    CHICAGO : Gull, Umia, Ashraf Iqbal, and Usman Idrees. 2023. "Innovative Life Style and Race of Social Perfection Over Social Media." Global Sociological Review, VIII (II): 273-281 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-II).28
    HARVARD : GULL, U., IQBAL, A. & IDREES, U. 2023. Innovative Life Style and Race of Social Perfection Over Social Media. Global Sociological Review, VIII, 273-281.
    MHRA : Gull, Umia, Ashraf Iqbal, and Usman Idrees. 2023. "Innovative Life Style and Race of Social Perfection Over Social Media." Global Sociological Review, VIII: 273-281
    MLA : Gull, Umia, Ashraf Iqbal, and Usman Idrees. "Innovative Life Style and Race of Social Perfection Over Social Media." Global Sociological Review, VIII.II (2023): 273-281 Print.
    OXFORD : Gull, Umia, Iqbal, Ashraf, and Idrees, Usman (2023), "Innovative Life Style and Race of Social Perfection Over Social Media", Global Sociological Review, VIII (II), 273-281
    TURABIAN : Gull, Umia, Ashraf Iqbal, and Usman Idrees. "Innovative Life Style and Race of Social Perfection Over Social Media." Global Sociological Review VIII, no. II (2023): 273-281.