Authored by : Nimra Iftikhar , Kalsoom Saddique , Arshad Nawaz

27 Pages : 248-254


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  • Zulfaisya, R., &Hasra, H. (2020). Defense mechanism of the main character in Laurie. 19(2),
  • Amalia, A. (2020). The Anxiety and Defense Mechanism of Anna as the main character depicted in AJ Finn’s Novel the Woman in The Window (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang).
  • Bhutto, F. (2018). The Runaways. India: Penguin Group Books.
  • Bhutto, F. (2013). The Shadow of the Crescent Moon. India: Penguin Group Books.
  • Cramer, P. (2006). Protecting the self: Defense Mechanisms in Action. London: Guilford Press.
  • Cramer, P. (2012). The Development of Defense Mechanisms: Theory, research, and assessment. London: Springer.
  • Cramer, P. (2015). Understanding defense mechanisms. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 43(4), 523-552.
  • Cohen, M. (2018, November 25). I never escaped the violence: Fatima Bhutto on her new novel The Runaways. This week in Asia
  • Fenichel, O. (1945). The psychoanalytic theory of neurosis. New York: Norton.
  • Freud, S. (1923). The ego and the id. The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud, 19, 1–66.
  • Freud, S. (1917). Mourning and melancholia. The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud, 14, 1914–1916.
  • Freud, A. (1936). The ego and the mechanisms of defence. Routledge.
  • Hilgard, E. R. (1953). Introduction to psychology. California Harcourt, Brace.
  • Kaplan, L. (1965). Foundations of human behavior. Harper & Row pub.
  • Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E. (2016). Theories of personality (9thed.). United State of America: Cengage Learning.
  • Sumalani, K. M. (2018). A study of ego defense mechanisms of the main character of novel My Feudal Lord. European Academic Research, 7(10), 3742-3762.
  • Vaillant, G. E. (1992). Ego mechanisms of defense: A guide for clinicans and researchers. American Psychiatric Pub.
  • Zulfaisya, R., &Hasra, H. (2020). Defense mechanism of the main character in Laurie. 19(2),

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    APA : Iftikhar, N., Saddique, K., & Nawaz, A. (2022). Projection of Denial as a Defense Mechanism in Fatima Bhutto's Novel "The Runaways". Global Sociological Review, VII(II), 248-254.
    CHICAGO : Iftikhar, Nimra, Kalsoom Saddique, and Arshad Nawaz. 2022. "Projection of Denial as a Defense Mechanism in Fatima Bhutto's Novel "The Runaways"." Global Sociological Review, VII (II): 248-254 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2022(VII-II).27
    HARVARD : IFTIKHAR, N., SADDIQUE, K. & NAWAZ, A. 2022. Projection of Denial as a Defense Mechanism in Fatima Bhutto's Novel "The Runaways". Global Sociological Review, VII, 248-254.
    MHRA : Iftikhar, Nimra, Kalsoom Saddique, and Arshad Nawaz. 2022. "Projection of Denial as a Defense Mechanism in Fatima Bhutto's Novel "The Runaways"." Global Sociological Review, VII: 248-254
    MLA : Iftikhar, Nimra, Kalsoom Saddique, and Arshad Nawaz. "Projection of Denial as a Defense Mechanism in Fatima Bhutto's Novel "The Runaways"." Global Sociological Review, VII.II (2022): 248-254 Print.
    OXFORD : Iftikhar, Nimra, Saddique, Kalsoom, and Nawaz, Arshad (2022), "Projection of Denial as a Defense Mechanism in Fatima Bhutto's Novel "The Runaways"", Global Sociological Review, VII (II), 248-254
    TURABIAN : Iftikhar, Nimra, Kalsoom Saddique, and Arshad Nawaz. "Projection of Denial as a Defense Mechanism in Fatima Bhutto's Novel "The Runaways"." Global Sociological Review VII, no. II (2022): 248-254.