01 Pages : 1-7      10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-IV).01      Published : Dec 2023

Bullying in Schools: Students' Insights

    Child safety in educational institutions is a prime concern for stakeholders. The current study was planned to gather insights of learners, studying at various levels, regarding bullying in educational institutes. Data were gathered from 482 students studying in both public and private educational institutes. A self-reporting questionnaire, having 38 items with five factors, was used to collect data from both male and female students. The results showed that boys were more involved in bullying related activities than girls. Similarly, it was found that students studying in private sector educational institutes faced more bullying than students studying in government sector educational institutes. After analysis, the researchers found that boys faced more physical bullying, more relational bullying and cyber bullying than girls. It was also found that public educational institutions had more physical bullying and verbal bullying as compared to private educational institutions. The students of private schools faced more relational (social) bullying than students studying in public schools. The study had practical implications for stakeholders to curtail bullying for more effective learning environment in educational institutes in the country.

    Bullying, Physical, Verbal, Relational, Cyber
    (1) Sabeen Qamar
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Virtual University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Faisal Farid
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Education, Lahore Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) abahat Parveen
    Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Education Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Qamar, Sabeen, Muhammad Faisal Farid, and abahat Parveen. 2023. "Bullying in Schools: Students' Insights." Global Sociological Review, VIII (IV): 1-7 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-IV).01
    HARVARD : QAMAR, S., FARID, M. F. & PARVEEN, A. 2023. Bullying in Schools: Students' Insights. Global Sociological Review, VIII, 1-7.
    MHRA : Qamar, Sabeen, Muhammad Faisal Farid, and abahat Parveen. 2023. "Bullying in Schools: Students' Insights." Global Sociological Review, VIII: 1-7
    MLA : Qamar, Sabeen, Muhammad Faisal Farid, and abahat Parveen. "Bullying in Schools: Students' Insights." Global Sociological Review, VIII.IV (2023): 1-7 Print.
    OXFORD : Qamar, Sabeen, Farid, Muhammad Faisal, and Parveen, abahat (2023), "Bullying in Schools: Students' Insights", Global Sociological Review, VIII (IV), 1-7