05 Pages : 38-48      10.31703/gsr.2021(VI-IV).05      Published : Dec 2021

Development of Creativity among Elementary Level Students of Low Socio-Economic Background through Guided Inquiry: An Empirical Evidence from Islamabad Pakistan

    Major aim was to determine the effect of guided inquiry on fluency and originality of ideas in creative thinking.The study was quasi-experimental. "Convenience" sampling technique was used. The sample size was 60. The experiment was performed in an elementary school in Islamabad. The scoring rubrics were used to analyze creative thinking in terms of fluency and originality. The scores of tests of the experimental group and control group were compared by t-test. There was a significant difference in the performance of the control group and the experimental group. Guided inquiry is recommended for the teaching of creativity in terms of originality and fluency.

    Creative Thinking, Fluency of Ideas in Creative Thinking, Originality of Ideas in Creative Thinking, Low Socio-economic background Science Classroom, Guided Inquiry, Elementary Level
    (1) Sher Muhammad Awan
    Assistant Professor, Faulty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hamdard University Karachi, Islamabad Campus, Pakistan.
    (2) Wajiha Kanwal
    Assistant Professor (Education), University of Wah, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Arshad Mahmood Qamar
    Lecturer (Science Education), Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Awan, S. M., Kanwal, W., & Qamar, A. M. (2021). Development of Creativity among Elementary Level Students of Low Socio-Economic Background through Guided Inquiry: An Empirical Evidence from Islamabad Pakistan. Global Sociological Review, VI(IV), 38-48.
    CHICAGO : Awan, Sher Muhammad, Wajiha Kanwal, and Arshad Mahmood Qamar. 2021. "Development of Creativity among Elementary Level Students of Low Socio-Economic Background through Guided Inquiry: An Empirical Evidence from Islamabad Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, VI (IV): 38-48 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2021(VI-IV).05
    HARVARD : AWAN, S. M., KANWAL, W. & QAMAR, A. M. 2021. Development of Creativity among Elementary Level Students of Low Socio-Economic Background through Guided Inquiry: An Empirical Evidence from Islamabad Pakistan. Global Sociological Review, VI, 38-48.
    MHRA : Awan, Sher Muhammad, Wajiha Kanwal, and Arshad Mahmood Qamar. 2021. "Development of Creativity among Elementary Level Students of Low Socio-Economic Background through Guided Inquiry: An Empirical Evidence from Islamabad Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, VI: 38-48
    MLA : Awan, Sher Muhammad, Wajiha Kanwal, and Arshad Mahmood Qamar. "Development of Creativity among Elementary Level Students of Low Socio-Economic Background through Guided Inquiry: An Empirical Evidence from Islamabad Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, VI.IV (2021): 38-48 Print.
    OXFORD : Awan, Sher Muhammad, Kanwal, Wajiha, and Qamar, Arshad Mahmood (2021), "Development of Creativity among Elementary Level Students of Low Socio-Economic Background through Guided Inquiry: An Empirical Evidence from Islamabad Pakistan", Global Sociological Review, VI (IV), 38-48
    TURABIAN : Awan, Sher Muhammad, Wajiha Kanwal, and Arshad Mahmood Qamar. "Development of Creativity among Elementary Level Students of Low Socio-Economic Background through Guided Inquiry: An Empirical Evidence from Islamabad Pakistan." Global Sociological Review VI, no. IV (2021): 38-48.