06 Pages : 52-62      10.31703/gsr.2022(VII-II).06      Published : Jun 2022

Development of Social Media Applications as a New Platform of Interaction among Teenagers and its Consequences on Family Bonding

    The current research is aimed at exploring the "Development of SNS as a New Platform of InteractionAmong Teenagers and its Consequences on Family Bonding." Data was collected from the teenage students ofcolleges and Schools. The present research is a survey-based study using Media Dependency and Uses andGratification as its theoretical foundation keeping in view the major concepts. A sample of 400 respondents isselected using the purposive sampling technique. The main social interaction patterns are Audio Chat, Gif,Messages, and Video Chat. The analysis of findings reveals that WhatsApp more affects teenagers' socialinteraction patterns (68 percent). It is observed from the findings that Facebook more frequently affects teenagers'bonding with Friends (61 percent). A correlation test is applied in this study. The study's findings supported a positiverelationship between the frequency of use of social media and the effects on social interaction patterns ofteenagers in terms of communication, interaction, gathering and socialization. Social media has significantlyaffected youngsters in building bonding's with friends as more sharing of feelings takes place with friends overdistance instead of families.

    New Media Applications, Teenagers' Interaction Patterns, Social Media and Family Bondings, Facebook Family, WhatsApp Communication
    (1) Abdul Rehman Qaisar
    Assistant Professor, Communication and Media Studies, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
    (2) Muhammad Ashraf Wani
    Assistant Professor (Visiting), Department of Media and Communication Studies, Women university Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan
    (3) Muhammad Sher Juni
    Assistant Professor (Visiting), Department of Media and Communication Studies, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Qaisar, A. R., Wani, M. A., & Juni, M. S. (2022). Development of Social Media Applications as a New Platform of Interaction among Teenagers and its Consequences on Family Bonding. Global Sociological Review, VII(II), 52-62.
    CHICAGO : Qaisar, Abdul Rehman, Muhammad Ashraf Wani, and Muhammad Sher Juni. 2022. "Development of Social Media Applications as a New Platform of Interaction among Teenagers and its Consequences on Family Bonding." Global Sociological Review, VII (II): 52-62 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2022(VII-II).06
    HARVARD : QAISAR, A. R., WANI, M. A. & JUNI, M. S. 2022. Development of Social Media Applications as a New Platform of Interaction among Teenagers and its Consequences on Family Bonding. Global Sociological Review, VII, 52-62.
    MHRA : Qaisar, Abdul Rehman, Muhammad Ashraf Wani, and Muhammad Sher Juni. 2022. "Development of Social Media Applications as a New Platform of Interaction among Teenagers and its Consequences on Family Bonding." Global Sociological Review, VII: 52-62
    MLA : Qaisar, Abdul Rehman, Muhammad Ashraf Wani, and Muhammad Sher Juni. "Development of Social Media Applications as a New Platform of Interaction among Teenagers and its Consequences on Family Bonding." Global Sociological Review, VII.II (2022): 52-62 Print.
    OXFORD : Qaisar, Abdul Rehman, Wani, Muhammad Ashraf, and Juni, Muhammad Sher (2022), "Development of Social Media Applications as a New Platform of Interaction among Teenagers and its Consequences on Family Bonding", Global Sociological Review, VII (II), 52-62
    TURABIAN : Qaisar, Abdul Rehman, Muhammad Ashraf Wani, and Muhammad Sher Juni. "Development of Social Media Applications as a New Platform of Interaction among Teenagers and its Consequences on Family Bonding." Global Sociological Review VII, no. II (2022): 52-62.