14 Pages : 155-165      10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-I).14      Published : Mar 2023

Narcissism and Self-Perceived Flourishing

    With the increased use of technology and social media, narcissism as a personality trait has been seen to increase in the general population. It is necessary to study the relationship between narcissistic traits and self-perceived flourishing as narcissistic individuals might perceive to have positive well-being which can open more areas for research for not just narcissism but the emerging field of positive psychology. Convenience sampling was used to administer a self-report online questionnaire on 338 undergraduate students of Forman Christian College. Narcissistic Personality Inventory-40 and the Flourishing scale were used as instruments. This study looked into the strength and direction of the relationship between the two variables and the gender differences that might exist between them. Descriptive (Mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation and Multivariate Analysis of variance (MANOVA) were used to analyze the data. There was a weak and positive correlation between narcissistic traits and self-perceived flourishing while gender differences were found in narcissistic traits.

    Narcissistic Trait, Self-perceived Flourishing, Wellbeing
    (1) Komal Nayyar
    BS Student, Department of Psychology, Forman Christian College, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Maryam Munir
    Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Forman Christian College, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Ivan Suneel Samuel
    Professor, Department of Psychology, Forman Christian College, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Nayyar, Komal, Maryam Munir, and Ivan Suneel Samuel. 2023. "Narcissism and Self-Perceived Flourishing." Global Sociological Review, VIII (I): 155-165 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-I).14
    HARVARD : NAYYAR, K., MUNIR, M. & SAMUEL, I. S. 2023. Narcissism and Self-Perceived Flourishing. Global Sociological Review, VIII, 155-165.
    MHRA : Nayyar, Komal, Maryam Munir, and Ivan Suneel Samuel. 2023. "Narcissism and Self-Perceived Flourishing." Global Sociological Review, VIII: 155-165
    MLA : Nayyar, Komal, Maryam Munir, and Ivan Suneel Samuel. "Narcissism and Self-Perceived Flourishing." Global Sociological Review, VIII.I (2023): 155-165 Print.
    OXFORD : Nayyar, Komal, Munir, Maryam, and Samuel, Ivan Suneel (2023), "Narcissism and Self-Perceived Flourishing", Global Sociological Review, VIII (I), 155-165