07 Pages : 63-69      10.31703/gsr.2022(VII-II).07      Published : Jun 2022

Relationship between Working Environment and Teachers Performance: An Empirical Study

    The major objective of this study was to determine the effect of the working environment on teachers performance of teaching faculty. This study was quantitative and based on a cross-sectional research design. In this study, the working environment was used as an independent variable, while the teachers' job performance was treated as a dependent variable. The population of the study was public secondary school teachers in Sheikhupura, while 234 respondents were selected as a sample through a simple random sampling technique.The self-administered questionnaire was adapted based on five points Liker scale format. The data were collected by research tool through a survey method. The Statistical Package for Social Science was administered to analyze the research hypothesis. The study's findings revealed a positive and significant correlation between the working environment and job performance. Moreover, the working environment had a positive and moderate effect on teachers' job performance. The study is beneficial for developing the teaching-learning process at the secondary school level by adapting the various innovative techniques.

    Working Environment, Teachers Performance, Secondary Level
    (1) Muhammad Anwar
    M. Phil Scholar Education, Leadership and Management, Superior University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
    (2) Tariq Mahmood Khan
    Professor, IER University of the Punjab Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Naveed Jabbar
    Head of the Department of Education, NCBA and E Lahore. Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Anwar, M., Khan, T. M., & Jabbar, M. N. (2022). Relationship between Working Environment and Teachers Performance: An Empirical Study. Global Sociological Review, VII(II), 63-69.
    CHICAGO : Anwar, Muhammad, Tariq Mahmood Khan, and Muhammad Naveed Jabbar. 2022. "Relationship between Working Environment and Teachers Performance: An Empirical Study." Global Sociological Review, VII (II): 63-69 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2022(VII-II).07
    HARVARD : ANWAR, M., KHAN, T. M. & JABBAR, M. N. 2022. Relationship between Working Environment and Teachers Performance: An Empirical Study. Global Sociological Review, VII, 63-69.
    MHRA : Anwar, Muhammad, Tariq Mahmood Khan, and Muhammad Naveed Jabbar. 2022. "Relationship between Working Environment and Teachers Performance: An Empirical Study." Global Sociological Review, VII: 63-69
    MLA : Anwar, Muhammad, Tariq Mahmood Khan, and Muhammad Naveed Jabbar. "Relationship between Working Environment and Teachers Performance: An Empirical Study." Global Sociological Review, VII.II (2022): 63-69 Print.
    OXFORD : Anwar, Muhammad, Khan, Tariq Mahmood, and Jabbar, Muhammad Naveed (2022), "Relationship between Working Environment and Teachers Performance: An Empirical Study", Global Sociological Review, VII (II), 63-69
    TURABIAN : Anwar, Muhammad, Tariq Mahmood Khan, and Muhammad Naveed Jabbar. "Relationship between Working Environment and Teachers Performance: An Empirical Study." Global Sociological Review VII, no. II (2022): 63-69.