12 Pages : 133-142      10.31703/gsr.2024(IX-I).12      Published : Mar 2024

The Narrative of Oppression and Struggle Among the Women of Kashmir: A Subaltern Study of Behold, I Shine by Freny Manecksha

    Kashmiri literature highlights the major themes of oppression and the continuous struggle by Kashmiris in their cause for independence. Millions of Kashmiris have suffered from human rights violations by Indian troops. Among them, the most disturbed are women and children. This paper focuses on the narratives of Kashmiri women and how they spend their lives in Indian-occupied Kashmir while highlighting the theoretical underpinning of female subalterns. In which women are suppressed, oppressed, and kept voiceless among their people. In Kashmir, women have been raped, assaulted, and marginalized by Indian troops and to lower their voices they are given the amount of ex gratia which acts as a bandage to heal the wounds. The paper will explore how Indian troops have colonized the land how they have been treating women in Kashmir, and what role women play in their call for azadi.

    Kashmir, Kashmiri Women, Narratives, Subaltern, Marginalized
    (1) Salman Ali
    MPhil Scholar, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Ummer Awais
    MPhil Scholar, Department of Anthropology, Griffith University, Australia.
    (3) Summia Masood
    Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Ali, S., Awais, U., & Masood, S. (2024). The Narrative of Oppression and Struggle Among the Women of Kashmir: A Subaltern Study of Behold, I Shine by Freny Manecksha. Global Sociological Review, IX(I), 133-142.
    CHICAGO : Ali, Salman, Ummer Awais, and Summia Masood. 2024. "The Narrative of Oppression and Struggle Among the Women of Kashmir: A Subaltern Study of Behold, I Shine by Freny Manecksha." Global Sociological Review, IX (I): 133-142 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2024(IX-I).12
    HARVARD : ALI, S., AWAIS, U. & MASOOD, S. 2024. The Narrative of Oppression and Struggle Among the Women of Kashmir: A Subaltern Study of Behold, I Shine by Freny Manecksha. Global Sociological Review, IX, 133-142.
    MHRA : Ali, Salman, Ummer Awais, and Summia Masood. 2024. "The Narrative of Oppression and Struggle Among the Women of Kashmir: A Subaltern Study of Behold, I Shine by Freny Manecksha." Global Sociological Review, IX: 133-142
    MLA : Ali, Salman, Ummer Awais, and Summia Masood. "The Narrative of Oppression and Struggle Among the Women of Kashmir: A Subaltern Study of Behold, I Shine by Freny Manecksha." Global Sociological Review, IX.I (2024): 133-142 Print.
    OXFORD : Ali, Salman, Awais, Ummer, and Masood, Summia (2024), "The Narrative of Oppression and Struggle Among the Women of Kashmir: A Subaltern Study of Behold, I Shine by Freny Manecksha", Global Sociological Review, IX (I), 133-142
    TURABIAN : Ali, Salman, Ummer Awais, and Summia Masood. "The Narrative of Oppression and Struggle Among the Women of Kashmir: A Subaltern Study of Behold, I Shine by Freny Manecksha." Global Sociological Review IX, no. I (2024): 133-142.