01 Pages : 1-11
- Acharya, S. (2019). "A study of government policy for icds in government vs social secterngo and how can it change icds for the betterment of the world with help of social worker to bring change in the mind of people using it." International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, 8(2), 44-71. https://garph.co.uk/IJARMSS/Feb2019/G-2479.pdf
- Ahmad, I., Ur Rehman, K., Ali, A., Khan, I., & Khan, F. A. (2014). Critical Analysis of the Problems of Education in Pakistan: Possible Solutions. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 3(2), 79–84. https://doi.org/10.11591/ijere.v3i2.1805
- Ahmed Khuwaja, H., Karmaliani, R., McFarlane, J., & Jewkes, R. (2019). Use of activity-oriented questions in qualitative focus group discussions to explore youth violence in Sindh, Pakistan. Nursing Practice Today. https://doi.org/10.18502/npt.v6i4.1938
- Ahmed, S. (2016). The Political Economy of Pakistan’s Development Rentier Capitalism (pp. 103-127). Springer.
- Ambrose-Miller, W., & Ashcroft, R. (2016). Challenges Faced by Social Workers as Members of Interprofessional Collaborative Health Care Teams. Health & Social Work, 41(2), 101–109. https://doi.org/10.1093/hsw/hlw006
- Bagchi, A., & Paul, J. A. (2018). Youth unemployment and terrorism in the MENAP (Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan) region. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 64, 9– 20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2017.12.003
- Baldwin, M. (2016). Social work, critical reflection and the learning organization: Routledge.
- Batool, S. Q., Sajid, M. A., & Shaheen, I. (2013). Gender and higher education in Pakistan. International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, 1(1), 15-28. https://10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.15.6.2190
- Collison, H., & Marchesseault, D. (2016). Finding the missing voices of Sport for Development and Peace (SDP): using a “Participatory Social Interaction Research†methodology and anthropological perspectives within African developing countries. Sport in Society, 21(2), 226–242. https://doi.org/10.1080/17430437.2016.1179732
- Driskell, D. (2017). Creating better cities with children and youth: A manual for participation. Routledge.
- Hafeez, E., & Fasih, T. (2018). Growing Population of Pakistani Youth: A Ticking Time Bomb or a Demographic Dividend. Journal of Education and Educational Development, 5(2), 211–226. https://doi.org/10.22555/joeed.v5i2.2022
- Iraqi, K. M. & Hyder, M. (2019). "Youth Perception about Judiciary: A Case Study of Pakistan." Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan 56(1), 237-253. http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/history/PDF-FILES/21_56_1_19.pdf
- Khalid, A. & Asad, A. Z. (2019). Social Entrepreneurship is one of the Way Forward to Youth Empowerment in Pakistan. Pakistan Vision 20(1), 1-7. http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/studies/PDF-FILES/3_v20_1_19.pdf
- Khan, M. A., Kanwal, N., & Wang, L. (2018). Violent attacks on education in the tribal areas of Pakistan and the role of NGOs in providing educational services. Conflict, Security & Development, 18(2), 113–136. https://doi.org/10.1080/14678802.2018.1447861
- Khan, M., & Tabish, M. (2018). NPO GOVERNANCE RATING REPORT. S3.us- west-2.amazonaws.com. https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/backupsqlvis/RatingReports/OP_00446502006_0004465.pdf
- Krstovic, M. (2017). Learning About Youth Engagement in Research-Informed and Negotiated Actions on Socio-scientific Issues. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 93– 114. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55505-8_6
- Mamoon, D. (2019). To do list on the Pakistan economy for PTI. Journal of Economics Library, 6(1), 49- 55. https://doi.org/10.1453/jel.v6i1.1831
- Mumir, S., Ashgar, N., & Rehman, H. U. (2017). An Analysis of the Interrelationship among Crime, Misery Index and Institutional Quality: A Case Study of Pakistan. Journal of Political Studies, 383. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A501708856/AONE?u=googlescholar&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=134ecd66
- O’Leary, S. (2017). Grassroots accountability promises in rights-based approaches to development: The role of transformative monitoring and evaluation in NGOs. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 63, 21–41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aos.2016.06.002
- Rauf, S. (2019). Role of Youth in the Promotion of Good Governance in Pakistan. Journal of Political Studies, 43-54. http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/pols/pdf-files/4_spec_19.pdf
- Riaz, S. (2016). "Development of Social Work as a Discipline in Pakistan: An Evaluation." New Horizons, 10(1), 30-45. https://www.proquest.com/openview/c049613d36db2319cf41617508785224/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=616520
- Ruch, G. (2014). “Helping Children Is a Human Processâ€: Researching the Challenges Social Workers Face in Communicating with Children. British Journal of Social Work, 44(8), 2145–2162. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bct045
- Sathar, Z., Kamran, I., Sadiq, M., & Hussain, S. (2016). Youth in Pakistan: Priorities, realities and policy responses. Poverty, Gender, and Youth. https://doi.org/10.31899/pgy9.1024
- Saud, M., Ida, R., & Mashud, M. (2020). Democratic Practices and Youth Political Participation in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS 2019). https://doi.org/10.2991/icracos-19.2020.5.
- Tariq, J., Sajjad, A., Usman, A., & Amjad, A. (2017). The role of intentions in facebook usage among educated youth in Pakistan: An extension of the theory of planned behavior. Computers in Human Behavior, 74, 188–195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2017.04.045
- Van Ngo, H., Calhoun, A., Worthington, C., Pyrch, T., & Este, D. (2015). The Unravelling of Identities and Belonging: Criminal Gang Involvement of Youth from Immigrant Families. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 18(1), 63–84. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-015-0466-5
- Acharya, S. (2019). "A study of government policy for icds in government vs social secterngo and how can it change icds for the betterment of the world with help of social worker to bring change in the mind of people using it." International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, 8(2), 44-71. https://garph.co.uk/IJARMSS/Feb2019/G-2479.pdf
- Ahmad, I., Ur Rehman, K., Ali, A., Khan, I., & Khan, F. A. (2014). Critical Analysis of the Problems of Education in Pakistan: Possible Solutions. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 3(2), 79–84. https://doi.org/10.11591/ijere.v3i2.1805
- Ahmed Khuwaja, H., Karmaliani, R., McFarlane, J., & Jewkes, R. (2019). Use of activity-oriented questions in qualitative focus group discussions to explore youth violence in Sindh, Pakistan. Nursing Practice Today. https://doi.org/10.18502/npt.v6i4.1938
- Ahmed, S. (2016). The Political Economy of Pakistan’s Development Rentier Capitalism (pp. 103-127). Springer.
- Ambrose-Miller, W., & Ashcroft, R. (2016). Challenges Faced by Social Workers as Members of Interprofessional Collaborative Health Care Teams. Health & Social Work, 41(2), 101–109. https://doi.org/10.1093/hsw/hlw006
- Bagchi, A., & Paul, J. A. (2018). Youth unemployment and terrorism in the MENAP (Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan) region. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 64, 9– 20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2017.12.003
- Baldwin, M. (2016). Social work, critical reflection and the learning organization: Routledge.
- Batool, S. Q., Sajid, M. A., & Shaheen, I. (2013). Gender and higher education in Pakistan. International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, 1(1), 15-28. https://10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.15.6.2190
- Collison, H., & Marchesseault, D. (2016). Finding the missing voices of Sport for Development and Peace (SDP): using a “Participatory Social Interaction Research†methodology and anthropological perspectives within African developing countries. Sport in Society, 21(2), 226–242. https://doi.org/10.1080/17430437.2016.1179732
- Driskell, D. (2017). Creating better cities with children and youth: A manual for participation. Routledge.
- Hafeez, E., & Fasih, T. (2018). Growing Population of Pakistani Youth: A Ticking Time Bomb or a Demographic Dividend. Journal of Education and Educational Development, 5(2), 211–226. https://doi.org/10.22555/joeed.v5i2.2022
- Iraqi, K. M. & Hyder, M. (2019). "Youth Perception about Judiciary: A Case Study of Pakistan." Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan 56(1), 237-253. http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/history/PDF-FILES/21_56_1_19.pdf
- Khalid, A. & Asad, A. Z. (2019). Social Entrepreneurship is one of the Way Forward to Youth Empowerment in Pakistan. Pakistan Vision 20(1), 1-7. http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/studies/PDF-FILES/3_v20_1_19.pdf
- Khan, M. A., Kanwal, N., & Wang, L. (2018). Violent attacks on education in the tribal areas of Pakistan and the role of NGOs in providing educational services. Conflict, Security & Development, 18(2), 113–136. https://doi.org/10.1080/14678802.2018.1447861
- Khan, M., & Tabish, M. (2018). NPO GOVERNANCE RATING REPORT. S3.us- west-2.amazonaws.com. https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/backupsqlvis/RatingReports/OP_00446502006_0004465.pdf
- Krstovic, M. (2017). Learning About Youth Engagement in Research-Informed and Negotiated Actions on Socio-scientific Issues. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 93– 114. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55505-8_6
- Mamoon, D. (2019). To do list on the Pakistan economy for PTI. Journal of Economics Library, 6(1), 49- 55. https://doi.org/10.1453/jel.v6i1.1831
- Mumir, S., Ashgar, N., & Rehman, H. U. (2017). An Analysis of the Interrelationship among Crime, Misery Index and Institutional Quality: A Case Study of Pakistan. Journal of Political Studies, 383. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A501708856/AONE?u=googlescholar&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=134ecd66
- O’Leary, S. (2017). Grassroots accountability promises in rights-based approaches to development: The role of transformative monitoring and evaluation in NGOs. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 63, 21–41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aos.2016.06.002
- Rauf, S. (2019). Role of Youth in the Promotion of Good Governance in Pakistan. Journal of Political Studies, 43-54. http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/pols/pdf-files/4_spec_19.pdf
- Riaz, S. (2016). "Development of Social Work as a Discipline in Pakistan: An Evaluation." New Horizons, 10(1), 30-45. https://www.proquest.com/openview/c049613d36db2319cf41617508785224/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=616520
- Ruch, G. (2014). “Helping Children Is a Human Processâ€: Researching the Challenges Social Workers Face in Communicating with Children. British Journal of Social Work, 44(8), 2145–2162. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bct045
- Sathar, Z., Kamran, I., Sadiq, M., & Hussain, S. (2016). Youth in Pakistan: Priorities, realities and policy responses. Poverty, Gender, and Youth. https://doi.org/10.31899/pgy9.1024
- Saud, M., Ida, R., & Mashud, M. (2020). Democratic Practices and Youth Political Participation in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS 2019). https://doi.org/10.2991/icracos-19.2020.5.
- Tariq, J., Sajjad, A., Usman, A., & Amjad, A. (2017). The role of intentions in facebook usage among educated youth in Pakistan: An extension of the theory of planned behavior. Computers in Human Behavior, 74, 188–195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2017.04.045
- Van Ngo, H., Calhoun, A., Worthington, C., Pyrch, T., & Este, D. (2015). The Unravelling of Identities and Belonging: Criminal Gang Involvement of Youth from Immigrant Families. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 18(1), 63–84. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-015-0466-5
Cite this article
APA : Mursaleen, M., & Bardauskiene, R. (2023). Challenges of Social Work with Youth in Pakistan. Global Sociological Review, VIII(I), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-I).01
CHICAGO : Mursaleen, Muhammad, and Raminta Bardauskiene. 2023. "Challenges of Social Work with Youth in Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, VIII (I): 1-11 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-I).01
HARVARD : MURSALEEN, M. & BARDAUSKIENE, R. 2023. Challenges of Social Work with Youth in Pakistan. Global Sociological Review, VIII, 1-11.
MHRA : Mursaleen, Muhammad, and Raminta Bardauskiene. 2023. "Challenges of Social Work with Youth in Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, VIII: 1-11
MLA : Mursaleen, Muhammad, and Raminta Bardauskiene. "Challenges of Social Work with Youth in Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, VIII.I (2023): 1-11 Print.
OXFORD : Mursaleen, Muhammad and Bardauskiene, Raminta (2023), "Challenges of Social Work with Youth in Pakistan", Global Sociological Review, VIII (I), 1-11
TURABIAN : Mursaleen, Muhammad, and Raminta Bardauskiene. "Challenges of Social Work with Youth in Pakistan." Global Sociological Review VIII, no. I (2023): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-I).01