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- Abro, R. (2021, May 2). Sindh to update its child labour figures. The Tribune.
- Alois, P. (2018). Lessons for effective governance: An examination of the Better Work program. Global Governance, 139.
- Aronowitz, A. (2019). Regulating business involvement in labor exploitation and human trafficking. Journal of Labor and Society, 145- 164.
- Boje, D. M., & Khan, F. R. (2009). Story-branding by empire entrepreneurs: Nike, child labour, and Pakistan’s soccer ball industry. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 22(1), 9- 24.
- Busquet, M. N. (2021). A multidimensional perspective on child labor in the value chain: The case of the cocoa value chain in West Africa. World Development, 1056001.
- Chan, F. a. (2019). Integrated theories of white-collar and corporate crime. The Handbook of White- Collar Crime, 191-207.
- Crowther, D. A. (2018). Redefining corporate social responsibility. Emerald Group Publishing.
- Dadhich, V. (2022). Child Labour in India and Various Laws. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics, 55-56.
- Ferro, V. (2019). Legal aspects of informed consent in clinical research: the case of vaccinations in the international legal framework. BioLaw Journal-Rivista di BioDiritto, 139-149.
- Fatima, A. (2017). Child labour in Pakistan: Addressing supply and demand side labour market dynamics. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 28(2), 294-311.
- Gottschalk. (2020). Corporate Deviance Accounts. Corporate Responses to Financial Crime, 11- 42.
- Halkos, G. E. (2021). Reviewing the status of corporate social responsibility (CSR) legal framework. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal. 32(4), 700- 716.
- Hatane, S. E. (2019). Does internal corporate governance mechanism control firm risk? Evidence from Indonesia’s three high-risk sectors. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society. 19, (6), 1362-1376.
- Helberger, N. J. (2018). Governing online platforms: From contested to cooperative responsibility. The information society, 1-14.
- ILO. (2016). Eliminating and Preventing Child Labour.
- ILO. (2019). ILO Conventions on Child Labour (IPEC).
- ILO. (2021). Worst forms of Child Labour Convention.
- Khan, F. R., Munir, K. A., & Willmott, H. (2007). A dark side of institutional entrepreneurship: Soccer balls, child labour and postcolonial impoverishment. Organization studies, 28(7), 1055-1077.
- Kim, M. (2019). Public Perceptions of Corporate Criminal Sanctions: An Empirical Study of the Reputational Impact of Corporate Criminal Misconduct. S. Cal. Interdisc, 457.
- Kramer, R. C. (2002). The origins and development of the concept and theory of state-corporate crime. Crime & Delinquency, 263-282.
- Krug, N. J. (1997). Exploiting Child Labor: Corporate Responsibility and the Role of Corporate Codes of Conduct. NYL Sch. J. Hum. Rts., 14, 651.
- Lee, K. A. (2019). How does CSR activity affect sustainable growth and value of corporations? Evidence from Korea. Sustainability, 508.
- Michalowski, R. A. (2020). Poisoning for profit: Regulatory rollbacks, public health, and state- facilitated corporate crime. Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime, 113-122.
- Moxley, C. (2020, November 16). Nestle & Cargill v Doe Series. Retrieved from Just Security:
- Riondino, M. (2020). The 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Child Labour exploitation . E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies.
- Sadler, L. L. (2020). The Spoiled Supply Chain of Child Labor. The Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking, 371-382.
- Scheffer, D. (2020, December 09). U.S. Supreme Court Assesses Corporate Complicity in Child Slavery.
- Simpson, S. (2002). Corporate crime, law, and social control. 309-331.
- Toor, S. (2001). Child labor in Pakistan: Coming of age in the new world order. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 575(1), 194-224.
- Wijesinghe, P. (2018). Human rights violations by multinational corporations: Nestle as the culprit. Available at SSRN 3136321.
Cite this article
APA : Fatima, S., Javed, W., & Imam, S. K. (2022). Child Labour as Corporate Crime in Nexus to Corporate Social Responsibility. Global Sociological Review, VII(III), 49-60.
CHICAGO : Fatima, Samza, Waqas Javed, and Syed Kaleem Imam. 2022. "Child Labour as Corporate Crime in Nexus to Corporate Social Responsibility." Global Sociological Review, VII (III): 49-60 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2022(VII-III).06
HARVARD : FATIMA, S., JAVED, W. & IMAM, S. K. 2022. Child Labour as Corporate Crime in Nexus to Corporate Social Responsibility. Global Sociological Review, VII, 49-60.
MHRA : Fatima, Samza, Waqas Javed, and Syed Kaleem Imam. 2022. "Child Labour as Corporate Crime in Nexus to Corporate Social Responsibility." Global Sociological Review, VII: 49-60
MLA : Fatima, Samza, Waqas Javed, and Syed Kaleem Imam. "Child Labour as Corporate Crime in Nexus to Corporate Social Responsibility." Global Sociological Review, VII.III (2022): 49-60 Print.
OXFORD : Fatima, Samza, Javed, Waqas, and Imam, Syed Kaleem (2022), "Child Labour as Corporate Crime in Nexus to Corporate Social Responsibility", Global Sociological Review, VII (III), 49-60
TURABIAN : Fatima, Samza, Waqas Javed, and Syed Kaleem Imam. "Child Labour as Corporate Crime in Nexus to Corporate Social Responsibility." Global Sociological Review VII, no. III (2022): 49-60.