http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-II).30      10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-II).30      Published : Jun 2023
Authored by : Waseem Hassan , Naveed Hussain , Shahzeb Hussain

30 Pages : 293-307


  • Arimura, T. H., & Sugino, M. (2007). Does stringent environmental regulation stimulate environment-related technological innovation? 上智經濟論集, 52(1ï½¥ 2), 1–14
  • Bali Swain, R., & Yang-Wallentin, F. (2019). Achieving sustainable development goals: predicaments and strategies. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 27(2), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504509.2019.1692316
  • Boopathi, K., Kushwaha, R., Balaraman, K., Bastin, J., Kanagavel, P., & Reddy Prasad, D. M. (2021). Assessment of wind power potential in the coastal region of Tamil Nadu, India. Ocean Engineering, 219, 108356. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.108356
  • Büyüközkan, G., Karabulut, Y., & Mukul, E. (2018). A novel renewable energy selection model for United Nations’ sustainable development goals. Energy, 165, 290–302. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2018.08.215
  • Cobb, C. W., & Douglas, P. H. (1928). A Theory of Production. The American Economic Review, 18(1), 139–165. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1811556
  • Cuaresma, J. C., Fengler, W., Kharas, H., Bekhtiar, K., Brottrager, M., & Hofer, M. (2018). Will the Sustainable Development Goals be fulfilled? Assessing present and future global poverty. Palgrave Communications, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-018-0083-y
  • Do, T. N., Burke, P. J., Nguyen, H. N., Overland, I., Suryadi, B., Swandaru, A., & Yurnaidi, Z. (2021). Vietnam’s solar and wind power success: Policy implications for the other ASEAN countries. Energy for Sustainable Development, 65, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esd.2021.09.002
  • GAO, A. M.-Z., Huang, C.-H., Lin, J.-C., & Su, W.- N. (2021). Review of recent offshore wind power strategy in Taiwan: Onshore wind power comparison. Energy Strategy Reviews, 38, 100747. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2021.100747
  • Guo, Q., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Yi, M., & Zhang, T. (2021). Environmental migration effects of air pollution: Micro-level evidence from China. Environmental Pollution, 118263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118263
  • Hao, Y. (2022). The relationship between renewable energy consumption, carbon emissions, output, and export in industrial and agricultural sectors: evidence from China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(42), 63081–63098. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-20141-0
  • Kwakwa, P. A., Adusah-Poku, F., & Adjei-Mantey, K. (2021). Towards the attainment of sustainable development goal 7: What determines clean energy accessibility in sub-Saharan Africa? Green Finance, 3(3), 268–286
  • Li, H., Mahmud, M. A., Arzaghi, E., Abbassi, R., Chen, D., & Xu, B. (2020). Assessments of economic benefits for hydro-wind power systems: Development of advanced model and quantitative method for reducing the power wastage. Journal of Cleaner Production, 277, 123823–123823. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123823
  • Li, Y., Yang, X., Ran, Q., Wu, H., Irfan, M., & Ahmad, M. (2021). Energy structure, digital economy, and carbon emissions: evidence from China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(45), 64606–64629. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-15304-4
  • Liu, Q.-Q., Yu, M., & Wang, X.-L. (2015). Poverty reduction within the framework of SDGs and Post-2015 Development Agenda. Advances in Climate Change Research, 6(1), 67–73. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accre.2015.09.004
  • Liu, W., Liu, C., Gogoi, P., & Deng, Y. (2020). Overview of Biomass Conversion to Electricity and Hydrogen and Recent Developments in Low-Temperature Electrochemical Approaches. Engineering, 6(12), 1351–1363. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eng.2020.02.021
  • Ma, Q., Murshed, M., & Khan, Z. (2021). The nexuses between energy investments, technological innovations, emission taxes, and carbon emissions in China. Energy Policy, 155, 112345. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112345
  • Mao, M., Zhang, L., Huang, H., Chong, B. F., & Zhou, L. (2020). Maximum power exploitation for grid-connected PV system under fast-varying solar irradiation levels with modified salp swarm algorithm. Journal of Cleaner Production, 268, 122158–122158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122158
  • Mardani, A., Streimikiene, D., Cavallaro, F., Loganathan, N., & Khoshnoudi, M. (2019). Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and economic growth: A systematic review of two decades of research from 1995 to 2017. Science of the Total Environment, 649, 31–49. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.229
  • Martí-Ballester, C.-P. (2022). Do renewable energy mutual funds advance towards clean energy- related sustainable development goals? Renewable Energy, 195, 1155–1164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2022.06.111
  • Murshed, M., Rahman, Md. A., Alam, M. S., Ahmad, P., & Dagar, V. (2021). The nexus between environmental regulations, economic growth, and environmental sustainability: linking environmental patents to ecological footprint reduction in South Asia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(36), 49967–49988. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-13381-z
  • Nandimandalam, H., Aghalari, A., Gude, V. G., & Marufuzzaman, M. (2022). Multi-objective optimization model for regional renewable biomass supported electricity generation in rural regions. Energy Conversion and Management, 266, 115833. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115833
  • National Development and Reform Committee (NDRC). (2021). National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). https://en.ndrc.gov.cn/
  • NorvaiÅ¡a, E., Galinis, A., & NeniÅ¡kis, E. (2021). Incorporation of wind power probabilities into long-term energy system development analysis using bottom-up models. Energy Strategy Reviews, 38, 100770. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2021.100770
  • Oh, W. Y., Chang, Y. K., & Martynov, A. (2011). The Effect of Ownership Structure on Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Evidence from Korea. Journal of Business Ethics, 104(2), 283– 297. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-011-0912-z
  • Opoku, M. P., J-F, Swabey, K., Pullen, D., & Dowden, T. (2018). Poverty alleviation among persons with disabilities via United Nations’ sustainable development goals in Ghana: Voices of stakeholders with disabilities. Sustainable Development, 27(1), 175–182. https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.1899
  • Paraschiv, S., & Paraschiv, L. S. (2020). Trends of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuels combustion (coal, gas and oil) in the EU member states from 1960 to 2018. Energy Reports, 6, 237–242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2020.11.116
  • Paraschiv, S., Bărbuţă-MiÅŸu, N., & Paraschiv, L. S. (2020). Technical and economic analysis of a solar air heating system integration in a residential building wall to increase energy efficiency by solar heat gain and thermal insulation. Energy Reports, 6, 459–474. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2020.09.024
  • Qiufang Fan, X. X. (2022). Research on the Impact of Renewable Energy Policies on Carbon Emissions. East China Economic Management, 36(8), 63–73. https://doi.org/10.19629/j.cnki.34-1014/f.210901015
  • Raihan, A., Muhtasim, D. A., Khan, M. N. A., Pavel, M. I., & Faruk, O. (2022). Nexus between carbon emissions, economic growth, renewable energy use, and technological innovation towards achieving environmental sustainability in Bangladesh. Cleaner Energy Systems, 3, 100032. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cles.2022.100032
  • Rashid, Md. H. U., Uddin, M. J., & Mohd. Zobair, S. A. (2018). Islamic Microfinance and Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh. International Journal of Islamic Business & Management, 2(1), 67–80. https://doi.org/10.46281/ijibm.v2i1.53
  • Roy, J., Tscharket, P., Waisman, H., Abdul Halim, S., Antwi-Agyei, P., Dasgupta, P., Hayward, B., Kanninen, M., Liverman, D., & Okereke, C. (2018). Sustainable development, poverty eradication and reducing inequalities. Cambridge University Press.
  • Sohag, K., Begum, R. A., Abdullah, S. M. S., & Jaafar, M. (2015). Dynamics of energy use, technological innovation, economic growth and trade openness in Malaysia. Energy, 90, 1497– 1507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2015.06.101
  • Spiru, P. (2023). Assessment of renewable energy generated by a hybrid system based on wind, hydro, solar, and biomass sources for decarbonizing the energy sector and achieving a sustainable energy transition. Energy Reports, 9, 167–174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2023.04.316
  • Tu, Q., Mo, J., Liu, Z., Gong, C., & Fan, Y. (2021). Using green finance to counteract the adverse effects of COVID-19 pandemic on renewable energy investment-The case of offshore wind power in China. Energy Policy, 158, 112542. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112542
  • Usman, A. S., & Tasmin, R. (2016). The Relevance of Islamic Micro-finance in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Sciences, 6(2), 1115–1125. https://doi.org/10.2047/ijltfesvol6iss2-1115-1125
  • Wang, M., Peng, J., Luo, Y., Shen, Z., & Yang, H. (2021). Comparison of different simplistic prediction models for forecasting PV power output: Assessment with experimental measurements. Energy, 224, 120162. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.120162
  • Weber, H. (2017). Politics of “Leaving No One Behind”: Contesting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Agenda. Globalizations, 14(3), 399–414. https://doi.org/10.1080/14747731.2016.1275404
  • World Bank. (2023). Development Indicator (WDI). https://databank.worldbank.org/source/world-development-indicators
  • Yahya, N. S. M., Ng, L. Y., & Andiappan, V. (2021). Optimisation and planning of biomass supply chain for new and existing power plants based on carbon reduction targets. Energy, 237, 121488. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.121488
  • Arimura, T. H., & Sugino, M. (2007). Does stringent environmental regulation stimulate environment-related technological innovation? 上智經濟論集, 52(1ï½¥ 2), 1–14
  • Bali Swain, R., & Yang-Wallentin, F. (2019). Achieving sustainable development goals: predicaments and strategies. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 27(2), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504509.2019.1692316
  • Boopathi, K., Kushwaha, R., Balaraman, K., Bastin, J., Kanagavel, P., & Reddy Prasad, D. M. (2021). Assessment of wind power potential in the coastal region of Tamil Nadu, India. Ocean Engineering, 219, 108356. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.108356
  • Büyüközkan, G., Karabulut, Y., & Mukul, E. (2018). A novel renewable energy selection model for United Nations’ sustainable development goals. Energy, 165, 290–302. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2018.08.215
  • Cobb, C. W., & Douglas, P. H. (1928). A Theory of Production. The American Economic Review, 18(1), 139–165. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1811556
  • Cuaresma, J. C., Fengler, W., Kharas, H., Bekhtiar, K., Brottrager, M., & Hofer, M. (2018). Will the Sustainable Development Goals be fulfilled? Assessing present and future global poverty. Palgrave Communications, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-018-0083-y
  • Do, T. N., Burke, P. J., Nguyen, H. N., Overland, I., Suryadi, B., Swandaru, A., & Yurnaidi, Z. (2021). Vietnam’s solar and wind power success: Policy implications for the other ASEAN countries. Energy for Sustainable Development, 65, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esd.2021.09.002
  • GAO, A. M.-Z., Huang, C.-H., Lin, J.-C., & Su, W.- N. (2021). Review of recent offshore wind power strategy in Taiwan: Onshore wind power comparison. Energy Strategy Reviews, 38, 100747. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2021.100747
  • Guo, Q., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Yi, M., & Zhang, T. (2021). Environmental migration effects of air pollution: Micro-level evidence from China. Environmental Pollution, 118263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118263
  • Hao, Y. (2022). The relationship between renewable energy consumption, carbon emissions, output, and export in industrial and agricultural sectors: evidence from China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(42), 63081–63098. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-20141-0
  • Kwakwa, P. A., Adusah-Poku, F., & Adjei-Mantey, K. (2021). Towards the attainment of sustainable development goal 7: What determines clean energy accessibility in sub-Saharan Africa? Green Finance, 3(3), 268–286
  • Li, H., Mahmud, M. A., Arzaghi, E., Abbassi, R., Chen, D., & Xu, B. (2020). Assessments of economic benefits for hydro-wind power systems: Development of advanced model and quantitative method for reducing the power wastage. Journal of Cleaner Production, 277, 123823–123823. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123823
  • Li, Y., Yang, X., Ran, Q., Wu, H., Irfan, M., & Ahmad, M. (2021). Energy structure, digital economy, and carbon emissions: evidence from China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(45), 64606–64629. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-15304-4
  • Liu, Q.-Q., Yu, M., & Wang, X.-L. (2015). Poverty reduction within the framework of SDGs and Post-2015 Development Agenda. Advances in Climate Change Research, 6(1), 67–73. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accre.2015.09.004
  • Liu, W., Liu, C., Gogoi, P., & Deng, Y. (2020). Overview of Biomass Conversion to Electricity and Hydrogen and Recent Developments in Low-Temperature Electrochemical Approaches. Engineering, 6(12), 1351–1363. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eng.2020.02.021
  • Ma, Q., Murshed, M., & Khan, Z. (2021). The nexuses between energy investments, technological innovations, emission taxes, and carbon emissions in China. Energy Policy, 155, 112345. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112345
  • Mao, M., Zhang, L., Huang, H., Chong, B. F., & Zhou, L. (2020). Maximum power exploitation for grid-connected PV system under fast-varying solar irradiation levels with modified salp swarm algorithm. Journal of Cleaner Production, 268, 122158–122158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122158
  • Mardani, A., Streimikiene, D., Cavallaro, F., Loganathan, N., & Khoshnoudi, M. (2019). Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and economic growth: A systematic review of two decades of research from 1995 to 2017. Science of the Total Environment, 649, 31–49. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.229
  • Martí-Ballester, C.-P. (2022). Do renewable energy mutual funds advance towards clean energy- related sustainable development goals? Renewable Energy, 195, 1155–1164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2022.06.111
  • Murshed, M., Rahman, Md. A., Alam, M. S., Ahmad, P., & Dagar, V. (2021). The nexus between environmental regulations, economic growth, and environmental sustainability: linking environmental patents to ecological footprint reduction in South Asia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(36), 49967–49988. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-13381-z
  • Nandimandalam, H., Aghalari, A., Gude, V. G., & Marufuzzaman, M. (2022). Multi-objective optimization model for regional renewable biomass supported electricity generation in rural regions. Energy Conversion and Management, 266, 115833. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115833
  • National Development and Reform Committee (NDRC). (2021). National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). https://en.ndrc.gov.cn/
  • NorvaiÅ¡a, E., Galinis, A., & NeniÅ¡kis, E. (2021). Incorporation of wind power probabilities into long-term energy system development analysis using bottom-up models. Energy Strategy Reviews, 38, 100770. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2021.100770
  • Oh, W. Y., Chang, Y. K., & Martynov, A. (2011). The Effect of Ownership Structure on Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Evidence from Korea. Journal of Business Ethics, 104(2), 283– 297. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-011-0912-z
  • Opoku, M. P., J-F, Swabey, K., Pullen, D., & Dowden, T. (2018). Poverty alleviation among persons with disabilities via United Nations’ sustainable development goals in Ghana: Voices of stakeholders with disabilities. Sustainable Development, 27(1), 175–182. https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.1899
  • Paraschiv, S., & Paraschiv, L. S. (2020). Trends of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuels combustion (coal, gas and oil) in the EU member states from 1960 to 2018. Energy Reports, 6, 237–242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2020.11.116
  • Paraschiv, S., Bărbuţă-MiÅŸu, N., & Paraschiv, L. S. (2020). Technical and economic analysis of a solar air heating system integration in a residential building wall to increase energy efficiency by solar heat gain and thermal insulation. Energy Reports, 6, 459–474. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2020.09.024
  • Qiufang Fan, X. X. (2022). Research on the Impact of Renewable Energy Policies on Carbon Emissions. East China Economic Management, 36(8), 63–73. https://doi.org/10.19629/j.cnki.34-1014/f.210901015
  • Raihan, A., Muhtasim, D. A., Khan, M. N. A., Pavel, M. I., & Faruk, O. (2022). Nexus between carbon emissions, economic growth, renewable energy use, and technological innovation towards achieving environmental sustainability in Bangladesh. Cleaner Energy Systems, 3, 100032. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cles.2022.100032
  • Rashid, Md. H. U., Uddin, M. J., & Mohd. Zobair, S. A. (2018). Islamic Microfinance and Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh. International Journal of Islamic Business & Management, 2(1), 67–80. https://doi.org/10.46281/ijibm.v2i1.53
  • Roy, J., Tscharket, P., Waisman, H., Abdul Halim, S., Antwi-Agyei, P., Dasgupta, P., Hayward, B., Kanninen, M., Liverman, D., & Okereke, C. (2018). Sustainable development, poverty eradication and reducing inequalities. Cambridge University Press.
  • Sohag, K., Begum, R. A., Abdullah, S. M. S., & Jaafar, M. (2015). Dynamics of energy use, technological innovation, economic growth and trade openness in Malaysia. Energy, 90, 1497– 1507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2015.06.101
  • Spiru, P. (2023). Assessment of renewable energy generated by a hybrid system based on wind, hydro, solar, and biomass sources for decarbonizing the energy sector and achieving a sustainable energy transition. Energy Reports, 9, 167–174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2023.04.316
  • Tu, Q., Mo, J., Liu, Z., Gong, C., & Fan, Y. (2021). Using green finance to counteract the adverse effects of COVID-19 pandemic on renewable energy investment-The case of offshore wind power in China. Energy Policy, 158, 112542. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112542
  • Usman, A. S., & Tasmin, R. (2016). The Relevance of Islamic Micro-finance in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Sciences, 6(2), 1115–1125. https://doi.org/10.2047/ijltfesvol6iss2-1115-1125
  • Wang, M., Peng, J., Luo, Y., Shen, Z., & Yang, H. (2021). Comparison of different simplistic prediction models for forecasting PV power output: Assessment with experimental measurements. Energy, 224, 120162. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.120162
  • Weber, H. (2017). Politics of “Leaving No One Behind”: Contesting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Agenda. Globalizations, 14(3), 399–414. https://doi.org/10.1080/14747731.2016.1275404
  • World Bank. (2023). Development Indicator (WDI). https://databank.worldbank.org/source/world-development-indicators
  • Yahya, N. S. M., Ng, L. Y., & Andiappan, V. (2021). Optimisation and planning of biomass supply chain for new and existing power plants based on carbon reduction targets. Energy, 237, 121488. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.121488

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    APA : Hassan, W., Hussain, N., & Hussain, S. (2023). Evaluating the Contribution of GDP, Technological Advancements, and Renewable Energy Consumption in Carbon Emissions to the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from China. Global Sociological Review, VIII(II), 293-307. https://doi.org/10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-II).30
    CHICAGO : Hassan, Waseem, Naveed Hussain, and Shahzeb Hussain. 2023. "Evaluating the Contribution of GDP, Technological Advancements, and Renewable Energy Consumption in Carbon Emissions to the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from China." Global Sociological Review, VIII (II): 293-307 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-II).30
    HARVARD : HASSAN, W., HUSSAIN, N. & HUSSAIN, S. 2023. Evaluating the Contribution of GDP, Technological Advancements, and Renewable Energy Consumption in Carbon Emissions to the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from China. Global Sociological Review, VIII, 293-307.
    MHRA : Hassan, Waseem, Naveed Hussain, and Shahzeb Hussain. 2023. "Evaluating the Contribution of GDP, Technological Advancements, and Renewable Energy Consumption in Carbon Emissions to the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from China." Global Sociological Review, VIII: 293-307
    MLA : Hassan, Waseem, Naveed Hussain, and Shahzeb Hussain. "Evaluating the Contribution of GDP, Technological Advancements, and Renewable Energy Consumption in Carbon Emissions to the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from China." Global Sociological Review, VIII.II (2023): 293-307 Print.
    OXFORD : Hassan, Waseem, Hussain, Naveed, and Hussain, Shahzeb (2023), "Evaluating the Contribution of GDP, Technological Advancements, and Renewable Energy Consumption in Carbon Emissions to the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from China", Global Sociological Review, VIII (II), 293-307
    TURABIAN : Hassan, Waseem, Naveed Hussain, and Shahzeb Hussain. "Evaluating the Contribution of GDP, Technological Advancements, and Renewable Energy Consumption in Carbon Emissions to the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from China." Global Sociological Review VIII, no. II (2023): 293-307. https://doi.org/10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-II).30