- Ahmad, I., & Manzoor, S. R. (2017). Effect of teamwork, employee empowerment and training on employee performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(11), 380-394.
- Alipour, F., & Karimi, R. (2018). Creating and developing learning organization dimensions in educational settings; the role of human resource development practitioners. International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics, 5(4), 197-213. reating-and-Developing-Learning-Organizpdf/
- Alsafadi, Y., & Altahat, S. (2021). Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Performance: The Role of Job Satisfaction. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(1), 519–529.
- Altikriti, S., & Anderson, C. N. (2021). Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The Encyclopedia of Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2, 833-838.
- Amertha, D. T., Asmara, A., & Djohar, S. (2021). Business Strategy Formulation for Training Company in Captive Market. European Journal of Business and Management Research, 6(4), 143- 149.
- Barringer, B. R., Jones, F. F., & Neubaum, D. O. (2005). A quantitative content analysis of the characteristics of rapid-growth firms and their founders. Journal of Business Venturing, 20(5), 663–687.
- Bharadwaj, S., Khan, N. A., & Yameen, M. (2021). Unbundling employer branding, job satisfaction, organizational identification and employee retention: a sequential mediation analysis. Asia- pacific Journal of Business Administration, 14(3), 309–334. 2020-0279
- Desta, A. G. (2021). Linking human resource training and development, employee commitment and job satisfaction: The moderation role of the work environment. International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities, 4(1), 55-75
- Farnham, D., & Horton, S. (1996). Traditional people management Managing People in the Public Services (pp. 43-89): Springer.
- Ford, J. K., Baldwin, T., & Prasad, J. (2018). Transfer of Training: The Known and the Unknown. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 5(1), 201–225. 032117-104443
- Gastearena-Balda, L., Ollo-López, A., & Larraza- Kintana, M. (2021). Are public employees more satisfied than private ones? The mediating role of job demands and job resources. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 19(3/4), 231–258.
- Grahek, I., Schaller, M., & Tackett, J. L. (2021). Anatomy of a Psychological Theory: Integrating Construct-Validation and Computational- Modeling Methods to Advance Theorizing. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(4), 803–815.
- Gunawardana, T. S. L. W., & Bandara, D. G. N. (2021). Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Development Training Programmes on Business Growth of SMEs. Asian Journal of Management Studies, 1(2), 75–97.
- Karman, A. (2020). Understanding sustainable human resource management – organizational value linkages: The strength of the SHRM system. Human Systems Management, 39(1), 51–68.
- Khan, K., & Baloch, N. A. (2017). Impact of Training on Employee Development and Other Behavioral Outcomes: A Case of Public Accountant Trainees in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Journal of Managerial Sciences, 11(1), 12-23
- Lartey, F. M. (2021). Impact of Career Planning, Employee Autonomy, and Manager Recognition on Employee Engagement. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, 09(02), 135– 158.
- Lugo-Armenta, J. G., Pino-Fan, L. R., & Hernández- Ortega, B. (2021). Chi-square Reference Meanings: a Historical-epistemological Overview. Revemop, 3, e202108.
- Mbithi, P., Mbau, J. S., Muthama, N. J., Inyega, H. N., & Kalai, J. M. (2021). Higher Education and Skills Development in Africa: An Analytical Paper on the Role of Higher Learning Institutions on Sustainable Development. Journal of Sustainability, Environment and Peace, 4(2), 58– 73.
- Nanwani, S. (2021). Organization and Education Development: Reflecting and Transforming in a Self-Discovery Journey: Taylor & Francis.
- Neuendorf, K. A., & Skalski, P. (2009). Quantitative Content Analysis and the Measurement of Collective Identity. In Cambridge University Press eBooks (pp. 203–236).
- Nwali, N., & Adekunle, M. (2021). Does Training and Development Impact the Employee Performance or Another Ritual? Applied Journal of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, 2(1), 42-48
- Olaniyan, D., & Ojo, L. B. (2008). Staff training and development: A vital tool for organizational effectiveness. European Journal of Scientific Research, 24(3), 326-331
- Shepherd, S. (2018). Managerialism: an ideal type. Studies in Higher Education, 43(9), 1668–1678.
- Sugiono, E., Efendi, S., & Afrina, Y. (2021). The Effect of Training, Competence and Compensation on he Performance of New Civil Servants with Organizational Culture as Intervening: Studies at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. International Journal of Science and Society, 3(1), 262–279.
- Taylor, P. D., Russ-Eft, D., & Chan, D. W. (2005). A Meta-Analytic Review of Behavior Modeling Training. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(4), 692–709. 9010.90.4.692
- Wahab, S. R. A., Hussain, A., Zadeh, A., Shah, F. A., & Hussain, J. (2014). Employees’ perception and motivation towards training and development programmes in the health sector of Pakistan: A Case Study of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 19(10), 1361–1367. .11489
- Younas, W., Farooq, M., Khalil-Ur-Rehman, F., & Zreen, A. (2018). The impact of training and development on employee performance. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 20(7), 20-23. 2007042023
- Ahmad, I., & Manzoor, S. R. (2017). Effect of teamwork, employee empowerment and training on employee performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(11), 380-394.
- Alipour, F., & Karimi, R. (2018). Creating and developing learning organization dimensions in educational settings; the role of human resource development practitioners. International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics, 5(4), 197-213. reating-and-Developing-Learning-Organizpdf/
- Alsafadi, Y., & Altahat, S. (2021). Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Performance: The Role of Job Satisfaction. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(1), 519–529.
- Altikriti, S., & Anderson, C. N. (2021). Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The Encyclopedia of Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2, 833-838.
- Amertha, D. T., Asmara, A., & Djohar, S. (2021). Business Strategy Formulation for Training Company in Captive Market. European Journal of Business and Management Research, 6(4), 143- 149.
- Barringer, B. R., Jones, F. F., & Neubaum, D. O. (2005). A quantitative content analysis of the characteristics of rapid-growth firms and their founders. Journal of Business Venturing, 20(5), 663–687.
- Bharadwaj, S., Khan, N. A., & Yameen, M. (2021). Unbundling employer branding, job satisfaction, organizational identification and employee retention: a sequential mediation analysis. Asia- pacific Journal of Business Administration, 14(3), 309–334. 2020-0279
- Desta, A. G. (2021). Linking human resource training and development, employee commitment and job satisfaction: The moderation role of the work environment. International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities, 4(1), 55-75
- Farnham, D., & Horton, S. (1996). Traditional people management Managing People in the Public Services (pp. 43-89): Springer.
- Ford, J. K., Baldwin, T., & Prasad, J. (2018). Transfer of Training: The Known and the Unknown. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 5(1), 201–225. 032117-104443
- Gastearena-Balda, L., Ollo-López, A., & Larraza- Kintana, M. (2021). Are public employees more satisfied than private ones? The mediating role of job demands and job resources. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 19(3/4), 231–258.
- Grahek, I., Schaller, M., & Tackett, J. L. (2021). Anatomy of a Psychological Theory: Integrating Construct-Validation and Computational- Modeling Methods to Advance Theorizing. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(4), 803–815.
- Gunawardana, T. S. L. W., & Bandara, D. G. N. (2021). Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Development Training Programmes on Business Growth of SMEs. Asian Journal of Management Studies, 1(2), 75–97.
- Karman, A. (2020). Understanding sustainable human resource management – organizational value linkages: The strength of the SHRM system. Human Systems Management, 39(1), 51–68.
- Khan, K., & Baloch, N. A. (2017). Impact of Training on Employee Development and Other Behavioral Outcomes: A Case of Public Accountant Trainees in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Journal of Managerial Sciences, 11(1), 12-23
- Lartey, F. M. (2021). Impact of Career Planning, Employee Autonomy, and Manager Recognition on Employee Engagement. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, 09(02), 135– 158.
- Lugo-Armenta, J. G., Pino-Fan, L. R., & Hernández- Ortega, B. (2021). Chi-square Reference Meanings: a Historical-epistemological Overview. Revemop, 3, e202108.
- Mbithi, P., Mbau, J. S., Muthama, N. J., Inyega, H. N., & Kalai, J. M. (2021). Higher Education and Skills Development in Africa: An Analytical Paper on the Role of Higher Learning Institutions on Sustainable Development. Journal of Sustainability, Environment and Peace, 4(2), 58– 73.
- Nanwani, S. (2021). Organization and Education Development: Reflecting and Transforming in a Self-Discovery Journey: Taylor & Francis.
- Neuendorf, K. A., & Skalski, P. (2009). Quantitative Content Analysis and the Measurement of Collective Identity. In Cambridge University Press eBooks (pp. 203–236).
- Nwali, N., & Adekunle, M. (2021). Does Training and Development Impact the Employee Performance or Another Ritual? Applied Journal of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, 2(1), 42-48
- Olaniyan, D., & Ojo, L. B. (2008). Staff training and development: A vital tool for organizational effectiveness. European Journal of Scientific Research, 24(3), 326-331
- Shepherd, S. (2018). Managerialism: an ideal type. Studies in Higher Education, 43(9), 1668–1678.
- Sugiono, E., Efendi, S., & Afrina, Y. (2021). The Effect of Training, Competence and Compensation on he Performance of New Civil Servants with Organizational Culture as Intervening: Studies at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. International Journal of Science and Society, 3(1), 262–279.
- Taylor, P. D., Russ-Eft, D., & Chan, D. W. (2005). A Meta-Analytic Review of Behavior Modeling Training. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(4), 692–709. 9010.90.4.692
- Wahab, S. R. A., Hussain, A., Zadeh, A., Shah, F. A., & Hussain, J. (2014). Employees’ perception and motivation towards training and development programmes in the health sector of Pakistan: A Case Study of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 19(10), 1361–1367. .11489
- Younas, W., Farooq, M., Khalil-Ur-Rehman, F., & Zreen, A. (2018). The impact of training and development on employee performance. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 20(7), 20-23. 2007042023
Cite this article
APA : Takrim, K., Khan, K., & Khan, M. K. (2023). Impact of Training on Employee's Perception of Development: A Case Study of Accountant General Office, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Global Sociological Review, VIII(II), 70-78.
CHICAGO : Takrim, Kausar, Khalid Khan, and Muhammad Kamran Khan. 2023. "Impact of Training on Employee's Perception of Development: A Case Study of Accountant General Office, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, VIII (II): 70-78 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-II).09
HARVARD : TAKRIM, K., KHAN, K. & KHAN, M. K. 2023. Impact of Training on Employee's Perception of Development: A Case Study of Accountant General Office, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Global Sociological Review, VIII, 70-78.
MHRA : Takrim, Kausar, Khalid Khan, and Muhammad Kamran Khan. 2023. "Impact of Training on Employee's Perception of Development: A Case Study of Accountant General Office, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, VIII: 70-78
MLA : Takrim, Kausar, Khalid Khan, and Muhammad Kamran Khan. "Impact of Training on Employee's Perception of Development: A Case Study of Accountant General Office, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, VIII.II (2023): 70-78 Print.
OXFORD : Takrim, Kausar, Khan, Khalid, and Khan, Muhammad Kamran (2023), "Impact of Training on Employee's Perception of Development: A Case Study of Accountant General Office, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan", Global Sociological Review, VIII (II), 70-78
TURABIAN : Takrim, Kausar, Khalid Khan, and Muhammad Kamran Khan. "Impact of Training on Employee's Perception of Development: A Case Study of Accountant General Office, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan." Global Sociological Review VIII, no. II (2023): 70-78.