PRINT MEDIA ROLE IN PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN PAKISTAN      10.31703/gsr.2020(V-IV).02      Published : Dec 2020
Authored by : Irem Sultana , Rao Shahid Mahmood Khan , Ifra Iftikhar

02 Pages : 10-18


    The current study is an exploratory study of Pakistan’s print media to understand its role in the promotion of Human rights as their promotion is the basic duty of every state as per the United Nations agenda. It is the content analysis of four national dailies, both Urdu and English. Study finds out that there is no significant difference among both types of papers in publishing news regarding Human Rights. But Urdu papers published more news about Human Rights as compare to English Dailies. Both type of newspapers mostly published news about loss & damages and the statements. Pakistani press is not conscious about the United Nations Agenda of “Promotion of Human Rights is the responsibility of the states” and publishes the news about incidents objectively. Professional journalists should differentiate between the “Human right journalism and human wrong journalism.

    Key Words

    Print Media, Promotion, Human Rights, Exploratory, Human wrong journalism.


    “Role of print media in promoting human rights in Pakistan ’’ is an exploratory study. In this study, the researcher explores two English and two Urdu national newspapers to study human rights promotion through print media. 

    At the grass-root level, human rights are “the rights one has simply because one is a human being” (Donnelly 2008, p1).

    These Human rights are all reciprocal relation in nature. International human rights laws found in the responsibility of governments to carry in different ways or keep themselves away from wrongdoing, in order to aware the public and promote human rights. This important law first stated by the Universal, (Declaration of Human rights 1948).

    Mostly the world conferences on human rights describe the main function of the state that, “it is their duty to promote and protect, their basic rights and freedom despite their difference in position, social system and political awareness system and political apprehensive.

    Human rights mean the basic rights which related to all human, whatever their caste, creed, race, nationality, place of birth position in society, sex, national origin, religion, language or any other kind of their value. (Orend, 2002, p37). Basic human rights are originated on values like dignity, fairness, equality, independence and respect. Human rights are not defined in a very limited sense. They are defined and got protection by the law and constitution of a country. In countries like Britain, human rights are mentioned and protected by the human rights act in 1998.

    The member countries of the United Nations formally secured the population of world country to promote human rights without any supremacy as the existence status of persons. These Human rights are all reciprocal relation in nature. International human rights laws found in the responsibility of governments to carry in different ways or keep themselves away from wrongdoing, in order to aware the public and promote human rights, this important law first stated by the Universal Declaration, of Human rights 1948. 

    Mostly, World conferences on rights of human describe the main function of the state that, “it is their duty to promote and protect, their basic rights and freedom despite their difference in position, social system and political awareness system and political awareness. (Addo 1999)

    Basically, human rights, whether these are civil or political, are unified. All human rights, for example, right to equality right of residence, right to free life, economic right, normative right, for example, right to have a job, right to get an education all are interdependent. 

    The current study is about the role of print media in promoting Human rights in Pakistan in this study researcher will study the role of print media promoting human rights. It is very important and significant in all aspects that Print media can play a vital role by adding their features, stories, news article related to human rights in Pakistan. Article 55 of the United Nations charter also about the promotion of human rights, which necessarily creates friendly relation among nations. 

    Article 62 which outline the powers about the function of the Economic and Social Council for the purpose of promoting respect for all. Under article 68 of the United Nations charter, to set up a commission in the economic and social field to promote human rights and other communication sources which strengthen human rights. (UN Charter 1945)

    Article 1 of the UDHR declaration stated as “The entire human in this world is free and equal. They are not owned with, reason and conscience and should act towards one another, in the spirit of brotherhood. (UDHR Article). Under article 19, it is indicated that everyone in this world possessed the right to express his verdict and express freely everywhere. This right also elaborates that everyone can hold opinion without interference. Human rights mean the basic rights which related to all human, whatever their caste, creed, race, nationality, place of birth position in society, sex, national origin, religion, language or any other kind of their value. All human being are equally entitled to their human rights without any biasness. Human Rights basically are such basic rights and freedom that related to everyone in this world who is born till his death. These rights are claimed irrespective of wherever they belong, what are their beliefs or what are their life standards. Basic human rights are originated on values like dignity, fairness, equality, independence and respect. Human rights are not defined in a very limited sense. They are defined and got protection by the law of a country. In countries like Britain, human rights are mentioned and protected by the human rights act in 1998. It has been noticed and reported that those who have knowledge of their rights, such people have the ability to use their knowledge about their basic rights and can protect their rights. It also creates confidence in acquiring respect and dignity. And it can only happen when media and its instruments are making their role to stop human rights violation. Pakistan, came into existence on 14th August 1947 with the concept, that founder of the country has deep in sighted of protection of Human rights. Therefore, on 25th January 1948 in Karachi, he said, “Islam has taught us equality and justice to every human in this world. (Mukhtar, Sohaib., 2018).

    In this way on 10th December 1948, likewise, of other countries in the world, the world human rights accord is also accepted in Pakistan that why, on 10th December is celebrated to Human Right day in all over the world.

    Knowledge about basic rights of human creates confidence in acquiring respect and dignity, so it became the duty of media to disseminate the knowledge about human rights and freedom of speech. Soul of democracy is to create justice and give freedom to acquire knowledge. That’s why we need to study the role of our media in the promotion of human rights. On the basis of this research policy of the government can be improved so that all human beings get their rights without any hindrance and delay. 

    According to article 8 to 20 of the constitution of Pakistan, every citizen of the country has equal rights. Ministry of Human Rights is busy with providing and compliance of the directions regarding human rights in Lahore, Karachi and Quetta with its staff. NCHR and NCW are there it’s prominent parts of this process.

    Pakistan has preferably guaranteed and prepared an action plan for human Rights by preferring rights of Children, old age and she male. According to this action, plan ministry is bonafide by helping with seminars and special programs for human rights. Govt. Introduced special free helplines 1099 for this purpose.

    It is need of time to aware of these rights almost the whole areas of the country today; nations are considered successful by means of protecting human rights in terms of setting mechanism of protecting human rights, dignity, protection and respect of people.

    Promotion of human rights includes policies regarding human rights, several reports related to human rights, different efforts made for human rights. These efforts in-fact strengthen human rights system

    Statement of Problem

    Promoting and protecting human rights simply means the protection and respect of people. Public opinion also affects the role of media for the improvement of society mostly, this period of competition of selling of more news may ignore the important news regarding human rights promotion. In this media and technology-dependent era, promotion means media contents which are wisely accessed with the interest of people to keep engaged the people on any topic. Government and private media have access to people across the country can easily spread news and articles regarding human rights. And now it is very much important to investigate the role of those media which claim to cover issue like human rights.

    Methodology and Theory Behind

    To complete this research, framing theory and agenda-setting theory are used. According to framing theory, “we suggest how much something is put forward to the audience which is called;“Frame(Downey, R., Johnson, E., & Brewer, B.2012).McCombs and Shaw stated that media might not tell us what to think about but also how to think about it. Thus media has the ability to construct reality and for this reason, holds the potential to influence large populations and selected issues. In the study, both theories were employed, and the researcher tried to explore whether print media of Pakistan frame the news about human rights to achieve the goals of UN agenda to educate the people about human rights.

    The research method content analysis (Brunken, L. B.2006) is used to study the news coverage of human rights issues in print media. For this purpose, four newspapers were selected to study in the last four months in 2020. Researchers selected only the front and back pages of the newspaper. The DAWN, The Express Tribune, Daily Jang and Nawa-i-Waqt are selected for the study. Researchers divided the human rights promotion issue in the following category; Precautionary measures ( News related to human rights assessment, threats for expected human right issues, necessary information on approaching in time of HR issues, Preparing of Strategy to implement of human rights instantly)..HR relief activities(News reported on Human rights, Search of missing people, life savings, supplying basic rights, i.e. food, freedom of expression).Loss and damages(News regarding Human sufferings, Missing person cases, Murder cases, rape cases, torture, harassment cases, High Handedness cases, Abduction, Acid, Victim/Constitution, Petitions, kidnapping, domestic violence, honor killings, Important human rights cases decided at courts, Abduction human and children, Minority related issues, Prison related violations, Sectarian violations, Miscellaneous violence, Attack on human rights defenders, Attack on media persons, Faith-based killings).Statements and meetings,(News having Announcements and Speeches of important personalities or institutions about human rights violations, Visits of Important state Personalities affected people and areas, Assemblies and reunions of important personalities and organization on Human rights-related issues). Information and Advice (All news related to Human rights issues along with informative and advisory analysis of Human rights laws).Policy and law (The news items related to Human rights policy, Human rights laws and dialogues, the establishment of human rights prevention institutes, formulation and implementation laws).In this regard, Tone and size of news item were also examined through the trained coders. In evaluating Tone, reports are coded as positive, neutral and negative. Positive code describes as, print media promote human rights categories understudies, while Neutral code describes as print media only published human rights story as a normal story of human rights categories understudies. Negative code describes as print media published Human Rights news story in an opposite angle, and print media did not promote Human Rights categories understudies. Sizes of news reports were categorized into three categories; small, medium and big. Small news is considered as 1 or 2 columns; Medium News is considered as3 to 5 columns, Big news is considered as 6-8 columns. This will be done by counting the number of columns of news reports on human rights.


    Table 1. Content Categories Reported on Front & Back page of Urdu and English Newspapers

    Content Categories 



    Express Tribune


    Daily Jang

    Front page

    Back Page

    Front page

    Back Page

    Front page

    Back page

    Front page

    Back page

    precautionary measure










    HR relief activities










    Loss and damages










    Statements, meetings










    Information& advices










    HR Laws





















    Table 2. Frequency of News Reports on Human Rights Published


    News Reports


    Front Page

    Back Page

    The DAWN

    25 (92.6%)

    2 (7.4%)


    26 (81.3%)

    6 (18.8%)


    86 (95.6%)

    4 (4.4%)


    106 (93.0%)

    8 (7.0%)


    243 (92.4%)

    20 (7.6%)

    Chi-square value = 6.994NS P-value = 0.072 NS = Non-significant (P>0.05)

    Figure 1


    Table 3. Size of News Item

    Content Categories


















    Precautionary measure














    HR relief activities














    Loss and damages














    Statements, meetings














    Information and Advices














    HR Laws




























    S = Small              1 or 2 columns.

    M = Medium         3 to 5 columns.

    B = Big                   6 to 8 columns.


    Table 4. Tone of Newspapers Understudy on Human Rights








    Front Page

    7 (25.9%)

    11 (40.7%)

    7 (25.9%)


    Back Page

    0 (0.0%)

    0 (0.0%)

    2 (7.4%)



    Front Page

    2 (6.3%)

    17 (53.1%)

    7 (21.9%)


    Back Page

    0 (0.0%)

    1 (3.1%)

    5 (15.6%)



    Front Page

    9 (10.0%)

    43 (47.8%)

    34 (37.8%)


    Back Page

    3 (3.3%)

    0 (0.0%)

    1 (1.1%)



    Front Page

    8 (7.0%)

    38 (33.3%)

    60 (52.6%)


    Back Page

    3 (2.6%)

    0 (0.0%)

    5 (4.4%)



    Front Page

    26 (9.9%)

    109 (41.4%)

    108 (41.1%)


    Back Page

    6 (2.3%)

    1 (0.4%)

    13 (4.9%)


    Overall Total





    Where +ve = Positive, -ve = Negative, N = Neutral


    Positive: Code describes as promote human rights categories understudies.

    Neutral: code describes as print media only published human rights story as a normal story of human rights categories understudies.

    Negative: Code describes that print media published Human Rights news story in an opposite angle and print media did not promote Human Rights categories understudies

    Table 5. Content Categories with Frequencies and Percentage

    Content Categories



    Precautionary measure



    HR relief activities



    Loss and damages



    Statements, meetings



    Information and Advices



    HR Laws







    Table 6.  Print Media Coverage of Human Rights in Newspapers Understudy


    English Newspapers

    Urdu Newspapers


    Front Page

    51 (21.0%0

    192 (79.0%)


    Back Page

    8 (40.0%)

    12 (60.0%)



    59 (22.4%)

    204 (77.6%)


    Chi-square value = 3.829* P-value = 0.050 * = Significant (P<0.05)

    Figure 2


    Table 7: Size of News Related to Human in Dailies Understudy


    English Newspapers

    Urdu Newspapers



    48 (22.7%)

    163 (77.3%)



    10 (20.0%)

    40 (80.0%)



    1 (50.0%)

    1 (50.0%)



    59 (22.4%)

    204 (77.6%)


    Chi-square value = 1.056NS   P-value = 0.590 NS = Non-significant (P>0.05)

    S = Small              1 or 2 columns,

    M = Medium         3 to 5 columns

    B = Big   6-8 columns.


    Table 8. Space given to Human right issue in Dailies Understudy


    English News Papers

    Space is given in Column/cm

    Urdu Newspapers

    Space is given in Column/cm





















    S = Small              1 or 2 columns, M = Medium 3 to 5 columns B = Big 6-8 columns. 

    Results and Findings

    The study explored the role of print media (English & Urdu) in the promotion of human rights in Pakistan. The researcher had analyzed the data from selected newspapers. It is observed that the content category “loss and damages” is given much more coverage as compare to other categories under study see Table.1. 

    The researcher found out that Urdu Print media gave more coverage to human right categories understudy than English Print, as shown in Table no2 & 6. But there is no significant difference in placement of such kind of news, both Urdu and English dailies place the issue of Human right on the front page of the paper mostly (243 news item on front pages and 20 on back pages). It is vividly noticed that majority of human right news were published in small size (1-2 column) in both kinds of newspapers. Loss and damages are the most coveted category of the news, statements and meetings are on 2nd no, and on 3rd no HR relief activities are covered. All four newspapers publish a total of 263 news items in four months. Out of 263 published news, only 32 were positive,110 were neutral, and 121 were negative see table no. 4 , which shows that print media is not promoting human rights as only 32 positive news were published in national dailies during four months. Daily Jang publish is on no .1 in publishing positive news (9 news items 10% of total human right coverage) among the newspaper under study. Daily Nawa-i-Waqt published 43.6% news on its front page and 40.0% which is the highest among these four newspapers news items. The researcher also found out that English media provide less coverage than Urdu Print Media which is shown in the graphic presentation of coverage of news. 

    The researcher found out that Urdu Print Media published more small News and Medium News items than English Print Media. While Urdu print media published more big news item than English as shown in Table 8, which describes that English Newspapers published 22.7% small, 20% medium and 50% big news in their coverage. While, in Urdu print media, 77.3% small, 80% Medium and 50% small news are published in newspapers.

    The researcher found out that Urdu Print Media covered more Area than English print Media. (see table no.6) Urdu Print media covered 1711.03cm, and English Print media covered 428.28cm as shown in Table no 8, which shows that English Newspapers published 44 small news(1 or 2 column news) related to Human right issues which covered 227.04 cm area.14 Medium (2 or3 or 4 column news) which covered 180.6cm. Big news(5 or above 5 column news)  item has covered an area of 428.28cm. While Urdu Print media published small 132 (1 or 2 column news)  which covered area of 681.12cm, and medium 59 (2 or3 or 4 column news) which covered an area of 761.59cm and big (5 or above 5 column news)  news items are 13 which covered an area of 268.32cm.

    Researchers also noticed Print Media frequently published small news (1-2 column) and Medium News (3-5 column). But it is also noticed that Urdu print media published more big news item than English as shown in Table no.3 & 7, which describes that English Newspapers published 22.7% small, 20% medium and 50% big news in their coverage. While, in Urdu print media, 77.3% small, 80% Medium and 50% small news are published in newspapers. There is no significant difference in all newspapers in publishing the about the Human right issues regarding their size and front and back coverage. Researchers also found out that total news stories are 32 out of 263, which promote human rights issue in print media on front and back pages. (see table no.4). 

    Literature review on the issue under study showed that print media of the first world, especially in promoting the human rights issues positively. But the current study has paradoxical results. While if we compare national Urdu and English dailies, we did not find any significant difference. 


    Pakistani Print media is not working on the United Nations agenda of promotion of human rights in the third world. They are not setting the agenda of the people regarding human rights promotion in Pakistan. Print Media is only publishing the news about losses &damages, statements & meetings and human rights relief activities. They have less focus on Human Rights laws and advise and precautionary measures. Researchers have found in their four moths study of English and Urdu dailies and in their observation of collected data that, most of the time Urdu and English Print media ignored Agenda setting and framing theory during the presentation of the human right content in the news. Print media is also lacking in selections of news reports which create sensitization among their readership regarding human rights. They did not take Human rights issues seriously. Agenda setting theory laid emphasis on those topics which need long discussions. But our print media only fill their space by printing some news items just for news sack, and some statements of officials and politicians as literature review showed that print media still had a large number of readership and in this way, it can shape the minds of people. It is a general perception that the content of media shapes the minds of people. Because news media, most of the time, is considered as a convincing job in legislative issues. It has been analyzed by many studies that media should play its vital role in promoting human rights throughout the world. In general, the media remained unbiased in promoting human rights. Media throughout the world telecast and published much news regarding the promotion of human rights. In this study, the researcher found that Pakistan print media do not provide much coverage in the promotion of Human Rights issues. Facts and figures showed that Print media focus is very low to terminate Human Right abuses in Pakistan. Most of the time, print media only print news and no further action regarding follow-ups to frame the issue and educate people on the issue is taken by print media on Human Rights issues and Human Right laws. In this way, media is not playing its role to create empathy in public at large with victims of violence in the country.  

     Suppose the media follows agenda-setting theory and framing of the media content in human rights promotion during the selection of news regarding Human rights, then it can play a role to improve the situation. Media should differentiate between the Human Right model of journalism and Human wrong journalism model (Berman, Gabrielle & Daniel Calderbank 2008). Pakistani Print Media is just giving the information of happenings around this is just opposite to Human right model (diagnostic empathy critical frames) that motivate and encourage support and involvement to endorse and defend peace and human rights (Preston 1996). Human right journalism balance the four orientations of the Professional Journalist model advanced by (Galtung,1992, 1996) and carried by (Lynch and McGoldrick, Galtung, Johan, 2005, 2010) – As explanation rather than winner oriented, truth rather than misinformation oriented, populace rather than privileged oriented, and win-win rather than win-lose orientated by bringing in four more. As: worldwide rather than discriminatory coverage of Human rights, and unfairness in the goodwill of weak voices, a positive and protective rather than rash and dogmatic approach to the treatment of Human right News stories, and affection to, rather than indifference from sufferers of violent behavior. Not every one of the writers is in the generally defined Professional Journalist  ‘camp’ are tending to this more fundamental approach. All over the world, there are two concepts about the presentation of reality through media one is transmission approach and ritual approach. Professional journalists in Pakistan like Kempf (2002) discards support explanations of Professional Journalism in good deeds; he names ‘good’ newspaper journalism, which he says has a single goal: to symbolize truth correctly. Kempf presents impartiality, objectivity and un-involvement as a way of reaching accuracy. In spite of knowing the fact that there is a need to change, but majority of the professional journalists still stuck on objectivity, impartiality and detachment rules for reporting the news stories. At some points, these rules bring cruelty, harshness and differences among human beings that could never be the ultimate goal of any public and private activity. While on the other hand another majority of professional journalist in the field label it as human wrong journalism which is not suitable for mankind. According to many writers (Lynch and McGoldrick, 2005, or Hackett and Carroll 2006) who supported, advice that this may damage the ‘reliability bonus’ that Professional Journalists at present enjoys (Kempf 2007, p7). German-based political scholar (Jorg Becker, 2002, p14) observes it as the political responsibility of the media. That media should practice, participate and stand for world peace and harmony of its accord, further I add human rights. Becker gives the impression that reporting is not only to report truth ‘as it is’ but, rather, to produce truth, put examples and label voice to bring change in the society. (Hanitzsch, 2007, p3).  As a signatory of the UN, Promotion of Human rights is the duty of the nation. Media as the fourth pillar of the estate as well as the representative of the public at large is duty-bound to promote Human Rights. To improve the living standards of people, human rights should definitely be promoted, and in this way, the abuse can be terminated from the society and ultimately from the Glob.


    On the basis of the present study following recommendations are given for improvement in implementing the HR laws and policy through Print Media.

    Media should recruit skilled media professionals who have thorough knowledge to select and present the news. Such journalists should be encouraged who work for Human rights.

    It is recommended that policy and implementation issues should especially be discussed in media so that long term benefits can be achieved regarding Human Rights promotion.

    It is also recommended that Print media should work according to Media Laws related to Human Rights.

    Media should follow the directions of the charter of human rights in the promotion of democracy and welfare of human being.

    Training workshops should be organized for reporters and sub-editors so that they can play their role in the promotion of human rights.

    News stories about human right issues should be investigated, analyzed and reported properly, in order to lessen the confusion about them, likely to prevail in society.

    Findings of this study can help to make the role of print media more effective for the promotion of human rights in Pakistani society which is the main purpose of all institutions of the country. 

    Limitations of the Study

    This study is limited due to the following reasons

    Not Seeing the policy of print media only explored the news stories.

    Front and Back pages of Urdu and English newspapers were studied.

    Only Print Media was studied.

    Only four Daily were studied.


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    CHICAGO : Sultana, Irem, Rao Shahid Mahmood Khan, and Ifra Iftikhar. 2020. "Print Media Role in Promotion of Human Rights in Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, V (IV): 10-18 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2020(V-IV).02
    HARVARD : SULTANA, I., KHAN, R. S. M. & IFTIKHAR, I. 2020. Print Media Role in Promotion of Human Rights in Pakistan. Global Sociological Review, V, 10-18.
    MHRA : Sultana, Irem, Rao Shahid Mahmood Khan, and Ifra Iftikhar. 2020. "Print Media Role in Promotion of Human Rights in Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, V: 10-18
    MLA : Sultana, Irem, Rao Shahid Mahmood Khan, and Ifra Iftikhar. "Print Media Role in Promotion of Human Rights in Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, V.IV (2020): 10-18 Print.
    OXFORD : Sultana, Irem, Khan, Rao Shahid Mahmood, and Iftikhar, Ifra (2020), "Print Media Role in Promotion of Human Rights in Pakistan", Global Sociological Review, V (IV), 10-18
    TURABIAN : Sultana, Irem, Rao Shahid Mahmood Khan, and Ifra Iftikhar. "Print Media Role in Promotion of Human Rights in Pakistan." Global Sociological Review V, no. IV (2020): 10-18.