Authored by : Ashraf Iqbal , Ahsan Salam , Qaisar Shehzad Farooq

19 Pages : 198-210


  • Adekunle, A. A. (2002). Agricultural information dissimention, An audience survey in Kano State. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Nigeria: USAID
  • Aderibige, A. (1990). An evaluation of the efforts of communication pattern on adoption of HTA research programs. IITA Research Programs. Ibadan, Nigeria: Department of Communication and Language Arts University.
  • Adikari, P. (2014). Usage of Mass media by Farmers in Sri Lanka. Developing Country Studies, 4(4), 1-04.
  • Adio, E., Abu, Y., YUsuf, S., & Nansoh, S. (2016). Use of Agricultural Information Sources and Services by Farmers for Improve Productivity in Kwara State. Library Philosophy and Practice (E- Journal).
  • Ali, M., Man, N. & Muharam, F. M. (2019). Association Between Sociodemographic Features and Intention of Farmers to Use ICT for Agricultural Risk Management in Malaysia. Pakistan Journal of Agriculture, 35(1), 50-56.
  • Ani, A. (2015). Utilizaton of Mass Media Among Farmers in Ikwere local and their awareness and adoption of short agricultural messages telecast on Television. Intemation Journal of Advance Research in Biological Sciences
  • Ani, A. U. (2015, July). Utilization of Mass Media by Farmers in Nigeria. Journal of agriculture and Vetemery Science, 8(7), 41-47.
  • Arnold Piet, R. R. (2008). Information, Organizationon and management. Berlin: Springer.
  • Awili, M. A., White, & Kimotho, S. (2016). Factors that inflence effective communication of agricultural information among farmers- The case of farmers in Southwest Kisumu Ward, Kisumu County. Journal of Developing Country Studies, 1(1), 1-20.
  • Bachhav, N. (2012). Information Needs of the Rural Farmers : A Study from Maharashtra, India: A Survey. Library Philosophy and Practice (E- Journal).
  • Balamurugan, V. (2015). learning Experience of Small Farmers in Sugarcane Cultivation. Journal of Extension Education, 27(1), 5379-5381.
  • Ball-Rokeach, S. J., & DeFleur, M. L. (1976). A Dependency Model of Mass-Media Effects. Communication Research, 3(1), 3–21. 1
  • BAN, A. W. (1968). Interpersonal communication and Diffusion of innovation. Revision of a paper presented at the Second World Congress of Rural Sociology, (pp. 200-220). Drienerlo: Dept, of Extension Education, Agricultural University, Wagen.
  • Benard Ronald, G. F. (2015, Apirl ). Preference Sources of Information Used by Seaweeds Farmers in Unguja, Zanzibar. Academic research journals, 3(4), 116-134
  • Camble, E. (1992). Access to and Utilization of Quality Information in Rural Development Research. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 37(4), 509- 523
  • Chacharr, A. R., osmaan, M. N., omar, S. Z., & Soomro, B. (2012). Immpact of Satlite television on agricultural developmeent. Global Media Journal, Malysian Edition, 2(2)
  • Donohue, G. A., Tichenor, P. J., & Olien, C. N. (1975). Mass Media and the Knowledge Gap. Communication Research, 2(1), 3–23.
  • Emmanul, A. (2014). Modren channels of information for agricultural information in Rural farm communities in Nigeria. SCSR Journal of Development, 1(4), 78-89.
  • Finance Ministry Report . (2018-2019). Finance Survey 2018-2019. Islamabd: Finance Ministry.
  • Finance Ministry. (2018-2019). Economic Survey of Pakistan. Islamabad: Finance Ministry
  • iskani Ngwira, F. M. (2018). Disseminating agricultural information services to Farmers for attaining food security in Zombwe, Extention Planning MZUZU Agricultural development division Mzimsa, Malawi. Agriculture research , 579- 615.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of United States. (2009). FAO Representation Pakistan. Islamabad: FAO.
  • Gachuhi, L. (2020). SME’s Agribusiness Challenges & Solutions in Africa. Nairobi, Kenya: Exceller Books.
  • Ganliren, B. (2007, October). The observation and experiment of Field dependence, Field independence based on R and T users. Behavioral of information searching. Journal of Canadain social science, 3(5), 58-65
  • Griffin, E. (2012). A first look at communication theory. New York : Me Grawhill.
  • Griffin, E. (2012). A first look at communication theory. New York : Me Grawhill. Information and facts of Punjab. (2018, June 10). Retrieved from Pak information: html
  • Jallo, C. (2016). Assessments of information and communication technologies in Pakistan Agricultural Extension. Davis: University of California
  • Khan, M. A., & Akhtar, P. (2019). INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION AND DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION IN AGRICULTURE SECTOR OF PAKISTAN. Journal of Development Communication, 30(1), 1-9
  • Kharmudai, A., Devarani, L., Pandey, D., Singh, R., & Singh, R. (2018). Communication Behaviour of Farmers Registered Under m4agriNEI. Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu, 18(3), 1–5.
  • Lee, M. (1996). Information access behaviour and expectancy of quality: Two factors affecting the satisfaction of users of clinical hospital information systems. Journal of Information sciences, 22(3), 171-199.
  • Mgbakor, M., Iyobor, O., & Okezie, U. M. (2013). Contributions of Mass Media to the Development of Agricultural Extension in Ika North East L.G.A of Delta State, Nigeria. Academic Journal of Plant Sciences, 6(3), 127–133.
  • Mwololo, H., Nzuma, J., & Ritho, C. (2019). Do farmers’ socio-economic characteristics influence their preference for agricultural extension methods? Development in Practice, 29(7), 844–853.
  • Nwalieji, H. U., Ezeakunne, C. C., Enwelu, I. A., Okeke, M. N., Udemezue, J. C., & Uzuegbunam, C. O. (2019). Mass media utilization by poultry farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 23(2), 1.
  • Oijio, N. a. (2013, July ). Assessment of Mass Media Contribution to Agricultural Technology Adaptation in Owerri Agricultural Zone of Imo, State, Nigeria. Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business studies, 2(7), 389-394. nkwo%20and%20Orji.pdf
  • Okwu, O. J., & Shimayohol Daudu. (2011). Extension communication channels’ usage and preference by farmers in Benue State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extention and Rural Development, 3(5), 88–94.
  • Oladeji, O. A. (2018). Farmers Exposure to Mass Media. Journal of scientific research and reports, 20(6), 10-25.
  • para, U. N. (2008). Agricultural Information Sources Used by Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Information Development, 24(4), 289– 295.
  • Pieter, J. F. (2007). Media studies, institutions, theories and issues. South Africa : Juta Education.
  • Poole, N. (2017). Smallholder Agriculture and Market Participation. New York: Practical Action Publisher.
  • Raza, M. H. (2019). Emerging treends and challanges in the uuse of ICT, for beettter agricculnral information in Punjab, Pakistan. Doctrrate Thesis . Faisalabad.
  • Singh, A. (2014). Agriculre Extension and Mass Communication. Jodhpur: Agrobios Publications.
  • Singh, B. K., Oraon, J., Pandey, A. K., Kumari, N., & Shweta, K. (2019). Use of Information Media and Awareness Status Regarding Dairy Animal Welfare Practices in Jamtara District of Jharkhand. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 8(01), 755– 759.
  • Sreeramulu, M. (2016, November). Agricultural Magzines and Information Dissimination; A study of Govt Identified Farmers in Andhra Pardesh.
  • Adekunle, A. A. (2002). Agricultural information dissimention, An audience survey in Kano State. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Nigeria: USAID
  • Aderibige, A. (1990). An evaluation of the efforts of communication pattern on adoption of HTA research programs. IITA Research Programs. Ibadan, Nigeria: Department of Communication and Language Arts University.
  • Adikari, P. (2014). Usage of Mass media by Farmers in Sri Lanka. Developing Country Studies, 4(4), 1-04.
  • Adio, E., Abu, Y., YUsuf, S., & Nansoh, S. (2016). Use of Agricultural Information Sources and Services by Farmers for Improve Productivity in Kwara State. Library Philosophy and Practice (E- Journal).
  • Ali, M., Man, N. & Muharam, F. M. (2019). Association Between Sociodemographic Features and Intention of Farmers to Use ICT for Agricultural Risk Management in Malaysia. Pakistan Journal of Agriculture, 35(1), 50-56.
  • Ani, A. (2015). Utilizaton of Mass Media Among Farmers in Ikwere local and their awareness and adoption of short agricultural messages telecast on Television. Intemation Journal of Advance Research in Biological Sciences
  • Ani, A. U. (2015, July). Utilization of Mass Media by Farmers in Nigeria. Journal of agriculture and Vetemery Science, 8(7), 41-47.
  • Arnold Piet, R. R. (2008). Information, Organizationon and management. Berlin: Springer.
  • Awili, M. A., White, & Kimotho, S. (2016). Factors that inflence effective communication of agricultural information among farmers- The case of farmers in Southwest Kisumu Ward, Kisumu County. Journal of Developing Country Studies, 1(1), 1-20.
  • Bachhav, N. (2012). Information Needs of the Rural Farmers : A Study from Maharashtra, India: A Survey. Library Philosophy and Practice (E- Journal).
  • Balamurugan, V. (2015). learning Experience of Small Farmers in Sugarcane Cultivation. Journal of Extension Education, 27(1), 5379-5381.
  • Ball-Rokeach, S. J., & DeFleur, M. L. (1976). A Dependency Model of Mass-Media Effects. Communication Research, 3(1), 3–21. 1
  • BAN, A. W. (1968). Interpersonal communication and Diffusion of innovation. Revision of a paper presented at the Second World Congress of Rural Sociology, (pp. 200-220). Drienerlo: Dept, of Extension Education, Agricultural University, Wagen.
  • Benard Ronald, G. F. (2015, Apirl ). Preference Sources of Information Used by Seaweeds Farmers in Unguja, Zanzibar. Academic research journals, 3(4), 116-134
  • Camble, E. (1992). Access to and Utilization of Quality Information in Rural Development Research. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 37(4), 509- 523
  • Chacharr, A. R., osmaan, M. N., omar, S. Z., & Soomro, B. (2012). Immpact of Satlite television on agricultural developmeent. Global Media Journal, Malysian Edition, 2(2)
  • Donohue, G. A., Tichenor, P. J., & Olien, C. N. (1975). Mass Media and the Knowledge Gap. Communication Research, 2(1), 3–23.
  • Emmanul, A. (2014). Modren channels of information for agricultural information in Rural farm communities in Nigeria. SCSR Journal of Development, 1(4), 78-89.
  • Finance Ministry Report . (2018-2019). Finance Survey 2018-2019. Islamabd: Finance Ministry.
  • Finance Ministry. (2018-2019). Economic Survey of Pakistan. Islamabad: Finance Ministry
  • iskani Ngwira, F. M. (2018). Disseminating agricultural information services to Farmers for attaining food security in Zombwe, Extention Planning MZUZU Agricultural development division Mzimsa, Malawi. Agriculture research , 579- 615.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of United States. (2009). FAO Representation Pakistan. Islamabad: FAO.
  • Gachuhi, L. (2020). SME’s Agribusiness Challenges & Solutions in Africa. Nairobi, Kenya: Exceller Books.
  • Ganliren, B. (2007, October). The observation and experiment of Field dependence, Field independence based on R and T users. Behavioral of information searching. Journal of Canadain social science, 3(5), 58-65
  • Griffin, E. (2012). A first look at communication theory. New York : Me Grawhill.
  • Griffin, E. (2012). A first look at communication theory. New York : Me Grawhill. Information and facts of Punjab. (2018, June 10). Retrieved from Pak information: html
  • Jallo, C. (2016). Assessments of information and communication technologies in Pakistan Agricultural Extension. Davis: University of California
  • Khan, M. A., & Akhtar, P. (2019). INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION AND DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION IN AGRICULTURE SECTOR OF PAKISTAN. Journal of Development Communication, 30(1), 1-9
  • Kharmudai, A., Devarani, L., Pandey, D., Singh, R., & Singh, R. (2018). Communication Behaviour of Farmers Registered Under m4agriNEI. Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu, 18(3), 1–5.
  • Lee, M. (1996). Information access behaviour and expectancy of quality: Two factors affecting the satisfaction of users of clinical hospital information systems. Journal of Information sciences, 22(3), 171-199.
  • Mgbakor, M., Iyobor, O., & Okezie, U. M. (2013). Contributions of Mass Media to the Development of Agricultural Extension in Ika North East L.G.A of Delta State, Nigeria. Academic Journal of Plant Sciences, 6(3), 127–133.
  • Mwololo, H., Nzuma, J., & Ritho, C. (2019). Do farmers’ socio-economic characteristics influence their preference for agricultural extension methods? Development in Practice, 29(7), 844–853.
  • Nwalieji, H. U., Ezeakunne, C. C., Enwelu, I. A., Okeke, M. N., Udemezue, J. C., & Uzuegbunam, C. O. (2019). Mass media utilization by poultry farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 23(2), 1.
  • Oijio, N. a. (2013, July ). Assessment of Mass Media Contribution to Agricultural Technology Adaptation in Owerri Agricultural Zone of Imo, State, Nigeria. Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business studies, 2(7), 389-394. nkwo%20and%20Orji.pdf
  • Okwu, O. J., & Shimayohol Daudu. (2011). Extension communication channels’ usage and preference by farmers in Benue State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extention and Rural Development, 3(5), 88–94.
  • Oladeji, O. A. (2018). Farmers Exposure to Mass Media. Journal of scientific research and reports, 20(6), 10-25.
  • para, U. N. (2008). Agricultural Information Sources Used by Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Information Development, 24(4), 289– 295.
  • Pieter, J. F. (2007). Media studies, institutions, theories and issues. South Africa : Juta Education.
  • Poole, N. (2017). Smallholder Agriculture and Market Participation. New York: Practical Action Publisher.
  • Raza, M. H. (2019). Emerging treends and challanges in the uuse of ICT, for beettter agricculnral information in Punjab, Pakistan. Doctrrate Thesis . Faisalabad.
  • Singh, A. (2014). Agriculre Extension and Mass Communication. Jodhpur: Agrobios Publications.
  • Singh, B. K., Oraon, J., Pandey, A. K., Kumari, N., & Shweta, K. (2019). Use of Information Media and Awareness Status Regarding Dairy Animal Welfare Practices in Jamtara District of Jharkhand. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 8(01), 755– 759.
  • Sreeramulu, M. (2016, November). Agricultural Magzines and Information Dissimination; A study of Govt Identified Farmers in Andhra Pardesh.

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    APA : Iqbal, A., Salam, A., & Farooq, Q. S. (2023). Relationship between the Use of Social Media and Interpersonal Channels by Farmers. Global Sociological Review, VIII(I), 198-210.
    CHICAGO : Iqbal, Ashraf, Ahsan Salam, and Qaisar Shehzad Farooq. 2023. "Relationship between the Use of Social Media and Interpersonal Channels by Farmers." Global Sociological Review, VIII (I): 198-210 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-I).19
    HARVARD : IQBAL, A., SALAM, A. & FAROOQ, Q. S. 2023. Relationship between the Use of Social Media and Interpersonal Channels by Farmers. Global Sociological Review, VIII, 198-210.
    MHRA : Iqbal, Ashraf, Ahsan Salam, and Qaisar Shehzad Farooq. 2023. "Relationship between the Use of Social Media and Interpersonal Channels by Farmers." Global Sociological Review, VIII: 198-210
    MLA : Iqbal, Ashraf, Ahsan Salam, and Qaisar Shehzad Farooq. "Relationship between the Use of Social Media and Interpersonal Channels by Farmers." Global Sociological Review, VIII.I (2023): 198-210 Print.
    OXFORD : Iqbal, Ashraf, Salam, Ahsan, and Farooq, Qaisar Shehzad (2023), "Relationship between the Use of Social Media and Interpersonal Channels by Farmers", Global Sociological Review, VIII (I), 198-210
    TURABIAN : Iqbal, Ashraf, Ahsan Salam, and Qaisar Shehzad Farooq. "Relationship between the Use of Social Media and Interpersonal Channels by Farmers." Global Sociological Review VIII, no. I (2023): 198-210.