SOCIAL EXCLUSION AND OLDER PERSONS A CASE OF MILLENNIUM OF ISOLATION      10.31703/gsr.2020(V-II).01      Published : Jun 2020
Authored by : MahwishZeeshan

01 Pages : 1-8


  • Ahmad, A. (2016, December 14). The Condition Of Elderly Persons And Their Right Of Care And Maintenance In Pakistan. Retrieved from Courting the Law:
  • Ahmed, A., Chaudhry, D. G., & Farooq, H. (2015). Percieved Ageing and Elders Health; An Anthropological study of Older Persons of Rawalpindi. The Professional Medical, 22(5), 577-581.
  • Akbar, S., Tiwari, S. C., Tripathi, R. K., Kumar, A., & Pandey, N. M. (2014, October). Reasons for Living of Elderly to In Old Age Homes: An Exploratory Study. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 2(1), 56- 61.
  • Barnes, M., Blom, A., Cox, K., & Le, C. (2006). The Social Exclusion of Older People: Evidence from the first wave of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
  • Bhat , A. K., & Raj, D. (2001, September). Ageing in India : Drifting intergenerational relations, challenges and options. Ageing and Society, 21(5), 621-640.
  • Bloom, D. E., Jimenez, E., & Rosenberg, L. (2011, November). Social Protection of Older People. Program on the Global Demography of Aging, 1-11.
  • Bradshaw, J., Kemp, P., Baldwin, S., & Rowe, A. (2004). The drivers of social exclusion A review of the literature for the Social Exclusion Unit in the Breaking the Cycle series. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
  • CDC. (2015, September 11). The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Retrieved from Center for Disease Control and Prevention:
  • Commins, P. (2004, January). Poverty and Social Exclusion in Rural Areas: Characteristics, Processes and Research Issues. Sociologia Ruralis, 44(1), 60-75.
  • Economou, C., & Feron, A. (2006). The poverty with all its kinds of troubles even in modern societies kept them away from the prosperity. Dionikos: Anonymous.
  • Feng, W. (2010). Social Exclusion of the Elderly in Contemporary China: One Empirical Study Based on the Surveys i n Six Provinces . China: China Development Research Foundation. Retrieved July 11, 2018
  • Guzman, J. M., Pawliczko, A., Beales, S., Till, C., & Voelcker, I. (2012). Ageing in the Twenty-First Century: A Celebration and A Challenge. London: United Nations Population Fund, New York, and HelpAge International. Retrieved June 4, 2018
  • Hussain, G., & Manzoor, S. (2015, December). Antecedents of increasing trend of Old Age Homes: An Exploratory Study of Lahore, Pakistan. International Journal Management and Organizational Studies, 4(4), 200-204.
  • Kaftatzoglou, J. (2006). Social Exclusion: Inside, outside and under-Theoretical, historical and political origins of an ambiguous concept. Savalas: Anonymous.
  • Levitas, R. (2006). The concept and measurement of social exclusion. In C. Pantazis, D. Gordon, & R. Levitas, Poverty and social exclusion in Britain: the millennium survey (pp. 123-160). United Kingdom: Policy Press.
  • Liapi, D. (2016). Economic and Social Elder Abuse. Anonymous: Anonymous.
  • Macionis, J. J. (2010). Aging and the Elderly. United States: Pearson Education.
  • Meiner, S. (2016). Gerontological Nursing. Edinburgh: Elsevier.
  • Moffatt, S., & Glasgow, N. (2009, August 27). How Useful is the Concept of Social Exclusion When Applied to Rural Older People in the United Kingdom and the United States? Journal of Regional Studies, 43(10), 1291-1303.
  • Nakagawa, S., & Lawrence, H. O. (2015, September). Payer Source for Sngle, Elderly Women in Nursing Homes. Journal of health and human services administration, 38(1), 44-66.
  • Nyanguru, A. (2005). The Rights of Older People in Lesotho. Journal of Social Development in Africa, 20(2), 65-86.
  • Organization, W. H. (2018, Feburary 5). Aging and health. Retrieved from World Health Organization:
  • Population, P. (2019, January 1). Population Denisty. Retrieved from Countrymeters:
  • Qidwai, W., & Ashfaq, T. (2011). Elderly patients and their health in Pakistan: current status, issues, challenges and opportunities . Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, 100-11.
  • Ramashala, M. F. (2002). Living Arrangements, Poverty and the Health of Older Persons in Africa. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division., 1-19.
  • Salahuddin , K., & Jalbani , A. A. (2006, July). Senior Citizens: A Case Study of Pakistan . Journal of Independent Studies and Research, 4(2), 26-31.
  • Salahuddin, K., & Jalbani, A. A. (2006). Senior Citizens: A Case Study of Pakistan. Journal of Independent Studies and Research, 4(2), 26-31.
  • Shiel, W. C. (2018, 11 12). Medical Definition of Aging. Retrieved from Medicinenet:
  • Tsaousi, A. (2007). The phenomenon of social exclusion. Laons: Family support center.
  • Walsh, K., Scharf, T., & Keating, N. (2016, October 11). Social exclusion of older persons: a scoping review and conceptual framework. European Journal of Ageing, 14(1), 81-98.
  • Ahmad, A. (2016, December 14). The Condition Of Elderly Persons And Their Right Of Care And Maintenance In Pakistan. Retrieved from Courting the Law:
  • Ahmed, A., Chaudhry, D. G., & Farooq, H. (2015). Percieved Ageing and Elders Health; An Anthropological study of Older Persons of Rawalpindi. The Professional Medical, 22(5), 577-581.
  • Akbar, S., Tiwari, S. C., Tripathi, R. K., Kumar, A., & Pandey, N. M. (2014, October). Reasons for Living of Elderly to In Old Age Homes: An Exploratory Study. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 2(1), 56- 61.
  • Barnes, M., Blom, A., Cox, K., & Le, C. (2006). The Social Exclusion of Older People: Evidence from the first wave of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
  • Bhat , A. K., & Raj, D. (2001, September). Ageing in India : Drifting intergenerational relations, challenges and options. Ageing and Society, 21(5), 621-640.
  • Bloom, D. E., Jimenez, E., & Rosenberg, L. (2011, November). Social Protection of Older People. Program on the Global Demography of Aging, 1-11.
  • Bradshaw, J., Kemp, P., Baldwin, S., & Rowe, A. (2004). The drivers of social exclusion A review of the literature for the Social Exclusion Unit in the Breaking the Cycle series. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
  • CDC. (2015, September 11). The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Retrieved from Center for Disease Control and Prevention:
  • Commins, P. (2004, January). Poverty and Social Exclusion in Rural Areas: Characteristics, Processes and Research Issues. Sociologia Ruralis, 44(1), 60-75.
  • Economou, C., & Feron, A. (2006). The poverty with all its kinds of troubles even in modern societies kept them away from the prosperity. Dionikos: Anonymous.
  • Feng, W. (2010). Social Exclusion of the Elderly in Contemporary China: One Empirical Study Based on the Surveys i n Six Provinces . China: China Development Research Foundation. Retrieved July 11, 2018
  • Guzman, J. M., Pawliczko, A., Beales, S., Till, C., & Voelcker, I. (2012). Ageing in the Twenty-First Century: A Celebration and A Challenge. London: United Nations Population Fund, New York, and HelpAge International. Retrieved June 4, 2018
  • Hussain, G., & Manzoor, S. (2015, December). Antecedents of increasing trend of Old Age Homes: An Exploratory Study of Lahore, Pakistan. International Journal Management and Organizational Studies, 4(4), 200-204.
  • Kaftatzoglou, J. (2006). Social Exclusion: Inside, outside and under-Theoretical, historical and political origins of an ambiguous concept. Savalas: Anonymous.
  • Levitas, R. (2006). The concept and measurement of social exclusion. In C. Pantazis, D. Gordon, & R. Levitas, Poverty and social exclusion in Britain: the millennium survey (pp. 123-160). United Kingdom: Policy Press.
  • Liapi, D. (2016). Economic and Social Elder Abuse. Anonymous: Anonymous.
  • Macionis, J. J. (2010). Aging and the Elderly. United States: Pearson Education.
  • Meiner, S. (2016). Gerontological Nursing. Edinburgh: Elsevier.
  • Moffatt, S., & Glasgow, N. (2009, August 27). How Useful is the Concept of Social Exclusion When Applied to Rural Older People in the United Kingdom and the United States? Journal of Regional Studies, 43(10), 1291-1303.
  • Nakagawa, S., & Lawrence, H. O. (2015, September). Payer Source for Sngle, Elderly Women in Nursing Homes. Journal of health and human services administration, 38(1), 44-66.
  • Nyanguru, A. (2005). The Rights of Older People in Lesotho. Journal of Social Development in Africa, 20(2), 65-86.
  • Organization, W. H. (2018, Feburary 5). Aging and health. Retrieved from World Health Organization:
  • Population, P. (2019, January 1). Population Denisty. Retrieved from Countrymeters:
  • Qidwai, W., & Ashfaq, T. (2011). Elderly patients and their health in Pakistan: current status, issues, challenges and opportunities . Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, 100-11.
  • Ramashala, M. F. (2002). Living Arrangements, Poverty and the Health of Older Persons in Africa. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division., 1-19.
  • Salahuddin , K., & Jalbani , A. A. (2006, July). Senior Citizens: A Case Study of Pakistan . Journal of Independent Studies and Research, 4(2), 26-31.
  • Salahuddin, K., & Jalbani, A. A. (2006). Senior Citizens: A Case Study of Pakistan. Journal of Independent Studies and Research, 4(2), 26-31.
  • Shiel, W. C. (2018, 11 12). Medical Definition of Aging. Retrieved from Medicinenet:
  • Tsaousi, A. (2007). The phenomenon of social exclusion. Laons: Family support center.
  • Walsh, K., Scharf, T., & Keating, N. (2016, October 11). Social exclusion of older persons: a scoping review and conceptual framework. European Journal of Ageing, 14(1), 81-98.

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    CHICAGO : Zeeshan, Mahwish. 2020. "Social Exclusion and Older Persons: A Case of Millennium of Isolation." Global Sociological Review, V (II): 1-8 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2020(V-II).01
    HARVARD : ZEESHAN, M. 2020. Social Exclusion and Older Persons: A Case of Millennium of Isolation. Global Sociological Review, V, 1-8.
    MHRA : Zeeshan, Mahwish. 2020. "Social Exclusion and Older Persons: A Case of Millennium of Isolation." Global Sociological Review, V: 1-8
    MLA : Zeeshan, Mahwish. "Social Exclusion and Older Persons: A Case of Millennium of Isolation." Global Sociological Review, V.II (2020): 1-8 Print.
    OXFORD : Zeeshan, Mahwish (2020), "Social Exclusion and Older Persons: A Case of Millennium of Isolation", Global Sociological Review, V (II), 1-8