http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-II).38      10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-II).38      Published : Jun 2023
Authored by : Farhana Aziz Rana , Waqas Rafiq , Ali Shahid

38 Pages : 371-383


  • Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Bill (2011).
  • Agosín, M. (Ed.). (2001). Women, gender, and human rights: A global perspective. Rutgers University Press
  • Alam, I., Muneer, S., Khan, M. A., & Zaib, A. (n.d) Pro-women Legislation in Punjab: Its Scope and Implementation. Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, 58(1).
  • Ali, P. A., & Gavino, M. I. B. (2008). Violence against women in Pakistan: A framework for analysis. Journal-Pakistan Medical Association, 58(4), 198. https://www.pakmedinet.com/12325
  • Ali, T. S., & Khan, N. (2007). Strategies and recommendations for prevention and control of domestic violence against women in Pakistan. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, 57(1), 27. https://www.pakmedinet.com/10206
  • Ali, T. S., Farhan, R., & Ayub, M. (2020). Intimate partner violence against women in Pakistan: A review of qualitative research. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 70(5), 892. https://www.pakmedinet.com/validate.php?u=%2F43660
  • Benazir Income Support Program (2008) (BISP).
  • Bhatt, R. V. (1998). Domestic violence and substance abuse. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 63, S25-S31. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0020-7292(98)00181-7
  • Bhatti, S. H., Tariq, M., & Sehrish, S. (2021). Unpacking the Nexus between Gender Equality and Sustainable Development Goals in Pakistan: An In-Depth Legislative Analysis from an International Perspective. Superior Law Review, 1(1). https://jslr.pk/index.php/SLR/article/view/2
  • Campbell, J. C., & Lewandowski, L. A. (1997). MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH EFFECTS OF INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE ON WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 20(2), 353–374. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0193-953x(05)70317-8
  • oker, A. L., Davis, K. E., Arias, I., Desai, S., Sanderson, M., Brandt, H. M., & Smith, P. H. (2021). REPRINT OF: Physical and Mental Health Effects of intimate partner violence for men and women. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 61(6), 777–786. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2021.10.001
  • Fantuzzo, J. W., & Mohr, W. K. (1999). Prevalence and Effects of Child Exposure to Domestic Violence. The Future of Children, 9(3), 21–32. https://doi.org/10.2307/1602779
  • Fikree, F. F., & Bhatti, L. I. (1999). Domestic violence and health of Pakistani women. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 65(2), 195– 201. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0020-7292(99)00035-1
  • Garcia-Moreno, C., Heise, L., Jansen, H. A., Ellsberg, M., & Watts, C. (2005). Violence against women. Science, 310(5752), 1282-1283. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1121400
  • Hadi, A. (2017). Patriarchy and gender-based violence in Pakistan. European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, 4(4), 205-212. https://doi.org/10.26417/ejser.v10i2.p297-304
  • Karmaliani, PhD, R., Pasha, MA, A., Hirani, MScN, S., Somani, MScN, R., Hirani, MScN, S., Asad, N., ... & McFarlane, DrPH, FAAN, J. (2012). Violence against women in Pakistan: contributing factors and new interventions. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 33(12), 820-826. https://doi.org/10.3109/01612840.2012.718046
  • Kavak, F., Aktürk, Ãœ., Özdemir, A., & Gültekin, A. (2018). The relationship between domestic violence against women and suicide risk. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 32(4), 574-579. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnu.2018.03.016
  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Domestic Violence against Women (Prevention and Protection) Act (2019).
  • Lanier, C., & Maume, M. O. (2009). Intimate Partner Violence and Social Isolation Across the Rural/Urban Divide. Violence against Women, 15(11), 1311–1330. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077801209346711
  • Niaz, U. (2004). Women's mental health in Pakistan. World psychiatry, 3(1), 60
  • Pakeeza, S. (2015). DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LAWS AND PRACTICES IN PAKISTAN. VFAST Transactions on Education and Social Sciences, 3(1), 46–49. https://doi.org/10.21015/vtess.v6i1.205
  • Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act (2010).
  • Qaisrani, A., Liaquat, S., & Khokhar, E. N. (2016). Socio-economic and Cultural Factors of Violence against Women in Pakistan. RePEc: Research Papers in Economics. https://ideas.repec.org/p/ess/wpaper/id12259.html
  • Renzetti, C. M. (2009). Economic stress and domestic violence.
  • Shahid, Z. (2018). Domestic violence against women in Pakistan. Social Enterprise Development Center, 7.
  • Shellenberg, K. M., Moore, A. M., Bankole, A., Juarez, F., Omideyi, A. K., Palomino, N., Sathar, Z., Singh, S., & Tsui, A. O. (2011). Social stigma and disclosure about induced abortion: Results from an exploratory study. Global Public Health, 6(sup1), S111–S125. https://doi.org/10.1080/17441692.2011.594072
  • Sindh Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act (2013).
  • Tahir, M. (2017). Domestic violence against women in Pakistan and its Solution from an Islamic perspective: A critical and analytical study. Available at SSRN 2986723.
  • Tazeem, M. (2015). Universal Human Rights of Women in Local Context: Challenges of Implementing the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in Pakistan. McGill University (Canada). https://escholarship.mcgill.ca/concern/theses/wm117r86q
  • The Federal Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act (2012).
  • TJADEN, P., & THOENNES, N. (2000). Prevalence and Consequences of Male-to-female and Female-to-male Intimate Partner Violence as Measured by the National Violence Against Women Survey. Violence against Women, 6(2), 142–161. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778010022181769
  • Usman, A. (2018). A sociological study on violence against women in Pakistan; challenges and solutions. Global Media Journal, 16(31), 1-11.
  • Weiss, A. M. (2003). Interpreting Islam and Women’s Rights: Implementing CEDAW in Pakistan. International Sociology, 18(3), 581– 601. https://doi.org/10.1177/02685809030183007
  • Zakar, R., Zakar, M. Z., & Kraemer, A. (2013). Men’s beliefs and attitudes toward intimate partner violence against women in Pakistan. Violence against women, 19(2), 246-268. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077801213478028
  • Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Bill (2011).
  • Agosín, M. (Ed.). (2001). Women, gender, and human rights: A global perspective. Rutgers University Press
  • Alam, I., Muneer, S., Khan, M. A., & Zaib, A. (n.d) Pro-women Legislation in Punjab: Its Scope and Implementation. Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, 58(1).
  • Ali, P. A., & Gavino, M. I. B. (2008). Violence against women in Pakistan: A framework for analysis. Journal-Pakistan Medical Association, 58(4), 198. https://www.pakmedinet.com/12325
  • Ali, T. S., & Khan, N. (2007). Strategies and recommendations for prevention and control of domestic violence against women in Pakistan. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, 57(1), 27. https://www.pakmedinet.com/10206
  • Ali, T. S., Farhan, R., & Ayub, M. (2020). Intimate partner violence against women in Pakistan: A review of qualitative research. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 70(5), 892. https://www.pakmedinet.com/validate.php?u=%2F43660
  • Benazir Income Support Program (2008) (BISP).
  • Bhatt, R. V. (1998). Domestic violence and substance abuse. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 63, S25-S31. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0020-7292(98)00181-7
  • Bhatti, S. H., Tariq, M., & Sehrish, S. (2021). Unpacking the Nexus between Gender Equality and Sustainable Development Goals in Pakistan: An In-Depth Legislative Analysis from an International Perspective. Superior Law Review, 1(1). https://jslr.pk/index.php/SLR/article/view/2
  • Campbell, J. C., & Lewandowski, L. A. (1997). MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH EFFECTS OF INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE ON WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 20(2), 353–374. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0193-953x(05)70317-8
  • oker, A. L., Davis, K. E., Arias, I., Desai, S., Sanderson, M., Brandt, H. M., & Smith, P. H. (2021). REPRINT OF: Physical and Mental Health Effects of intimate partner violence for men and women. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 61(6), 777–786. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2021.10.001
  • Fantuzzo, J. W., & Mohr, W. K. (1999). Prevalence and Effects of Child Exposure to Domestic Violence. The Future of Children, 9(3), 21–32. https://doi.org/10.2307/1602779
  • Fikree, F. F., & Bhatti, L. I. (1999). Domestic violence and health of Pakistani women. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 65(2), 195– 201. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0020-7292(99)00035-1
  • Garcia-Moreno, C., Heise, L., Jansen, H. A., Ellsberg, M., & Watts, C. (2005). Violence against women. Science, 310(5752), 1282-1283. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1121400
  • Hadi, A. (2017). Patriarchy and gender-based violence in Pakistan. European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, 4(4), 205-212. https://doi.org/10.26417/ejser.v10i2.p297-304
  • Karmaliani, PhD, R., Pasha, MA, A., Hirani, MScN, S., Somani, MScN, R., Hirani, MScN, S., Asad, N., ... & McFarlane, DrPH, FAAN, J. (2012). Violence against women in Pakistan: contributing factors and new interventions. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 33(12), 820-826. https://doi.org/10.3109/01612840.2012.718046
  • Kavak, F., Aktürk, Ãœ., Özdemir, A., & Gültekin, A. (2018). The relationship between domestic violence against women and suicide risk. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 32(4), 574-579. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnu.2018.03.016
  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Domestic Violence against Women (Prevention and Protection) Act (2019).
  • Lanier, C., & Maume, M. O. (2009). Intimate Partner Violence and Social Isolation Across the Rural/Urban Divide. Violence against Women, 15(11), 1311–1330. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077801209346711
  • Niaz, U. (2004). Women's mental health in Pakistan. World psychiatry, 3(1), 60
  • Pakeeza, S. (2015). DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LAWS AND PRACTICES IN PAKISTAN. VFAST Transactions on Education and Social Sciences, 3(1), 46–49. https://doi.org/10.21015/vtess.v6i1.205
  • Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act (2010).
  • Qaisrani, A., Liaquat, S., & Khokhar, E. N. (2016). Socio-economic and Cultural Factors of Violence against Women in Pakistan. RePEc: Research Papers in Economics. https://ideas.repec.org/p/ess/wpaper/id12259.html
  • Renzetti, C. M. (2009). Economic stress and domestic violence.
  • Shahid, Z. (2018). Domestic violence against women in Pakistan. Social Enterprise Development Center, 7.
  • Shellenberg, K. M., Moore, A. M., Bankole, A., Juarez, F., Omideyi, A. K., Palomino, N., Sathar, Z., Singh, S., & Tsui, A. O. (2011). Social stigma and disclosure about induced abortion: Results from an exploratory study. Global Public Health, 6(sup1), S111–S125. https://doi.org/10.1080/17441692.2011.594072
  • Sindh Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act (2013).
  • Tahir, M. (2017). Domestic violence against women in Pakistan and its Solution from an Islamic perspective: A critical and analytical study. Available at SSRN 2986723.
  • Tazeem, M. (2015). Universal Human Rights of Women in Local Context: Challenges of Implementing the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in Pakistan. McGill University (Canada). https://escholarship.mcgill.ca/concern/theses/wm117r86q
  • The Federal Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act (2012).
  • TJADEN, P., & THOENNES, N. (2000). Prevalence and Consequences of Male-to-female and Female-to-male Intimate Partner Violence as Measured by the National Violence Against Women Survey. Violence against Women, 6(2), 142–161. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778010022181769
  • Usman, A. (2018). A sociological study on violence against women in Pakistan; challenges and solutions. Global Media Journal, 16(31), 1-11.
  • Weiss, A. M. (2003). Interpreting Islam and Women’s Rights: Implementing CEDAW in Pakistan. International Sociology, 18(3), 581– 601. https://doi.org/10.1177/02685809030183007
  • Zakar, R., Zakar, M. Z., & Kraemer, A. (2013). Men’s beliefs and attitudes toward intimate partner violence against women in Pakistan. Violence against women, 19(2), 246-268. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077801213478028

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    APA : Rana, F. A., Rafiq, W., & Shahid, A. (2023). Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence against Women in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions. Global Sociological Review, VIII(II), 371-383. https://doi.org/10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-II).38
    CHICAGO : Rana, Farhana Aziz, Waqas Rafiq, and Ali Shahid. 2023. "Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence against Women in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions." Global Sociological Review, VIII (II): 371-383 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-II).38
    HARVARD : RANA, F. A., RAFIQ, W. & SHAHID, A. 2023. Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence against Women in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions. Global Sociological Review, VIII, 371-383.
    MHRA : Rana, Farhana Aziz, Waqas Rafiq, and Ali Shahid. 2023. "Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence against Women in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions." Global Sociological Review, VIII: 371-383
    MLA : Rana, Farhana Aziz, Waqas Rafiq, and Ali Shahid. "Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence against Women in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions." Global Sociological Review, VIII.II (2023): 371-383 Print.
    OXFORD : Rana, Farhana Aziz, Rafiq, Waqas, and Shahid, Ali (2023), "Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence against Women in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions", Global Sociological Review, VIII (II), 371-383
    TURABIAN : Rana, Farhana Aziz, Waqas Rafiq, and Ali Shahid. "Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence against Women in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions." Global Sociological Review VIII, no. II (2023): 371-383. https://doi.org/10.31703/gsr.2023(VIII-II).38