02 Pages : 9-22      10.31703/gsr.2020(V-II).02      Published : Jun 2020

Emergence and Decline of the Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan

    Indus Valley Civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in the world dating back to 7000BCE. The explored sites of the civilization span present day Pakistan and India. The following paper explore the Indus Valley Civilization through the sites in Pakistan. The paper highlights feature of various stages of the Indus Valley, for example, Early Food Producing Era (7000-4000 BCE), Regionalization Era - Early Harappan Era (4000-2600 BCE), Integration Era (Early Harappan Phase) (2600 - 1900), Localization Era (Late Harappan Phase) (1900 - 1300), and Indus Valley from 1300 BCE to Present. In doing so, the paper discusses the geography, environment, material culture, subsistence patterns, political and social organization of each era. Finally, it explores the various theories of decline of Indus Valley Civilization, drawing on various sources. In the conclusion, the paper provides recommendations for future focus on the archaeological sites in Pakistan enhance our understanding of the civilizations.

    Indus Valley, Civilization, Pakistan
    (1) Suneel Kumar
    Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Ali
    Department of Sociology, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Pasand Ali Khoso
    Department of Sociology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Kumar, Suneel, Muhammad Ali, and Pasand Ali Khoso. 2020. "Emergence and Decline of the Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, V (II): 9-22 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2020(V-II).02
    HARVARD : KUMAR, S., ALI, M. & KHOSO, P. A. 2020. Emergence and Decline of the Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan. Global Sociological Review, V, 9-22.
    MHRA : Kumar, Suneel, Muhammad Ali, and Pasand Ali Khoso. 2020. "Emergence and Decline of the Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, V: 9-22
    MLA : Kumar, Suneel, Muhammad Ali, and Pasand Ali Khoso. "Emergence and Decline of the Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan." Global Sociological Review, V.II (2020): 9-22 Print.
    OXFORD : Kumar, Suneel, Ali, Muhammad, and Khoso, Pasand Ali (2020), "Emergence and Decline of the Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan", Global Sociological Review, V (II), 9-22
    TURABIAN : Kumar, Suneel, Muhammad Ali, and Pasand Ali Khoso. "Emergence and Decline of the Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan." Global Sociological Review V, no. II (2020): 9-22.